Image Failure on Network Deployment (502)

I’m building a project with a structure from the quickstart framework. I got my homepage frontend set up and functional (no backend code yet), except the images. All my images/thumbnails work beautifully in the local deployment, but all images fail to load on the network deployment with:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Response verification failed)

I don’t think it’s a path configuration issue because, as an example, the first link fails, the second (local version) displays the image:


These are book thumbnails btw, and the same issue with many links.

The location of the images are always assets/public/[something_else] and the assets is set as my root, while public/[something_else] is referenced in the .jsx code I use to display an image. No motoko or backend involved. The ic-assets.json5 allows full access as well.

All the frontend code and images are in the same canister. They are confirmed to exist in the CLI after each deployment. There’s ~100 1MB images (I should compress them but I’m just stress testing right now).

Does this setup raise any Red Flags as to why my images can’t be loaded on mainnet? Thank you. Code available here: GitHub - evanmcfarland/UncensoredGreatsDAO: Migration of to Web3 and ICP