idlFactory not in d.ts

i recently tried a different setup for canister imports. when i allow checkJs : true in my tsconfig.json, ts complains with the following error

Module '"./whitelist.did.js"' has no exported member 'idlFactory'.ts(2305)

can we add the idlFactory export to the .d.ts files?

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Funny I had the same error while doing some refactoring in nns-js today too :wink:. I end up adding the following code in a .d.ts file that has the same name as the factory js file

import type { IDL } from "@dfinity/candid";
export const idlFactory: IDL.InterfaceFactory;

So maybe we don’t even need to add the all the idleFactory but only above definition.


as long as dfx does it when generating the files and i don’t have to do it manually and the typing is correct i’m more than fine :smiley:

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It should be as simple as adding it to the compile method’s header in this file and updating the test cases: candid/ at master · dfinity/candid · GitHub

I’ll get to this in a few days, but feel free to tag me for review if you get to it before me!


any news on this being integrated to dfx? :slight_smile:

So I followed the fix suggested here with adding export const idlFactory: IDL.InterfaceFactory; at the bottom of the ts file. agent-js-file-upload/file_storage_idl.ts at main · cybrowl/agent-js-file-upload · GitHub. However, when using jest to test it exports

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.idlFactory = void 0;

and fails to export the function const idlFactory = ({ IDL }) => {}.
Has anyone been able to get it to export correctly when testing with jest?

Don’t know if this helps, but I ended up adding this to evm.did.d.ts:

export const idlFactory: ({ IDL }: { IDL: any }) => any;

And this to evm.did.js

module.exports = { idlFactory, init };

This was for ts-node/hardhat

Would a JSDoc comment suffice?

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The comment //@ts-ignore helped for the error Binding element 'IDL' implicitly has an 'any' type..
As for the error above with the canister .did files not having the idlFactory func properly exporting I added the following fields to tsconfig.json

      "allowJs": true,
      "checkJs": true,

If anyone in the future wants to see the changes they can go to: GitHub - cybrowl/agent-js-file-upload: fileupload pkg

I went for the // @ts-ignore way in a post build script as well.

 * We have to manipulate the factory otherwise the editor prompt for following TypeScript error:
 * TS7031: Binding element 'IDL' implicitly has an 'any' type.
const cleanFactory = async ({ dest = `./src/declarations` }) => {
	const promises = readdirSync(dest).map(
		(dir) =>
			new Promise(async (resolve) => {
				const factoryPath = join(dest, dir, `${dir}.did.js`);

				if (!existsSync(factoryPath)) {

				const content = await readFile(factoryPath, 'utf-8');
				const cleanFactory = content.replace(
					/export const idlFactory = \({ IDL }\) => {/g,
					`// @ts-ignore
export const idlFactory = ({ IDL }) => {`
				const cleanInit = cleanFactory.replace(
					/export const init = \({ IDL }\) => {/g,
					`// @ts-ignore
export const init = ({ IDL }) => {`

				await writeFile(factoryPath, cleanInit, 'utf-8');


	await Promise.all(promises);

await cleanFactory({});