ICRC-3, Indexing, Dashboard, Index Pointer

I just found ic/rs/rosetta-api/icrc1/index-ng/src/main.rs at 8e4ffb7317e50ccb787d00ea3c8d41714bf2f925 · dfinity/ic · GitHub

…which seems to indicate that the indexing canister should work with any ICRC-3 compatible canister, including those that use motoko or non-definitely ledger libraries. I haven’t tried it just yet, but will attempt to next week.

I’m wondering if we might be able to get some query string params for https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/icrc3/{tokenid}/transactions?indexing={indexcanister} and https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/icrc3/{tokenid}/transaction/455774?indexing={indexcanister} so that people could direct link to a page that will show transactions, details, and account searches for custom tokens?

The use case here is that we’d like to add ICDV to @icme 's moonshift, but they point to a dashboard when people want to check their transactions, and we don’t want them to be sent off into nowhere. Open to other options as well.


Hi @skilesare, you might find this message helpful, where I recently discussed adding non-SNS/ck ICRC-1/2/3 tokens to the ICP Dashboard in the future. Just a heads up, the dashboard does not use Rosetta.