Hello guys, I am creating a protocol where users will be able to “mint” a new token through gameplay.
In reality canister protocol will own 100% of the supply and it will reward users based on their interaction with the gameplay.
The protocol will collect a so called participation fee (cents of dollar) and every 25 accumulated ICP I want the protocol to automatically handle transferring the ICP to the protocol liquidity position.
What would be the best practice for it?
This are the steps that I think I should follow:
1- Every hour check if the protocol has 25 (+ 1 fee require to create the pool) ICP to proceed.
2 - If no pool exist, then create the pool following: docs/01.SwapFactory/02.Creating_a_Pool.md at main · ICPSwap-Labs/docs · GitHub
3 - If no position exist in the pool, then mint a position following: docs/02.SwapPool/Liquidity/01.Minting_a_Position.md at main · ICPSwap-Labs/docs · GitHub
4 - If position does exist, instead of minting the position I would just increase liquidity by following: docs/02.SwapPool/Liquidity/02.Adding_Liquidity.md at main · ICPSwap-Labs/docs · GitHub