ICP Integration: PHP + Rust or TS with Node

Hi guys! We’re seeking for a solution to integrate our project with ICP, and there are some questions to resolve.

Backend wise, we also can try Motoko or Rust but there is could be an issue as we already have backend written in PHP so as I’m acknowledged, this is gonna be tough.

Also, we can see that it’s possible to use Typescript with Node, and that way would be preferrable for us. But, we can see that the TS solution is beta now. Does the beta have any critical issues or limits, or shall we use it for the integration? If it’s not, could you please suggest us what shall we do alternately then?

Do appreciate your help! :pray:

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What are you trying to build?

Yes, you are correct that there is no CDK for PHP.

I suggest connecting with @lastmjs on the Typescript CDK.


No one has worked on it yet, but a PHP wasm interpreter targeting wasm32-unknown-unknown ought to be able to run on the IC!

Probably not worth it as you’re just trying to get started, but I think it’d be a fun project


Yo, if you would like to use SSR on-chain, you may try our Pluto. This is still in the early stages, but we have docs and we are happy to help :smiley:

Github: GitHub - pu0238/pluto: HTTP framework designed for the needs of the internet computer network. When entering editing and updating data
DOCS: zygiv-iaaaa-aaaag-qdkoq-cai.raw.icp0.io/

I’m also a PHP developer and I’m also waiting for the PHP CDK