New Article Sudoku Solver
Here is the code, I’ll provide both implementations as shown previously
Bitwise operations
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
actor {
type Cell = ?Nat8;
type Row = [Cell];
type Board = [Row];
public func solveSudoku(board: Board) : async ?Board {
let size = 9;
var rows = Array.init<Nat32>(size, 0);
var cols = Array.init<Nat32>(size, 0);
var boxes = Array.init<Nat32>(size, 0);
// Time to play "Spot the Number" across the board
for (i in Iter.range(0, size - 1)) {
for (j in Iter.range(0, size - 1)) {
switch (board[i][j]) {
case null { /* Empty cell, nothing to see here, move along */ };
case (?value) {
let num = Nat32.fromNat(Nat8.toNat(value));
let bitMask = Nat32.bitshiftLeft(1, num - 1); // gives a unique bit representation, a mask of sorts
let boxIndex = (i / 3) * 3 + (j / 3); // Magic formula to find which 3x3 box we're in
// Record the presence of the number in the corresponding row, column, and box
rows[i] := Nat32.bitor(rows[i], bitMask);
cols[j] := Nat32.bitor(cols[j], bitMask);
boxes[boxIndex] := Nat32.bitor(boxes[boxIndex], bitMask);
// Create a mutable board
let mutableBoard = Array.tabulateVar<[var Cell]>(size, func(i) {
if (solve(mutableBoard, rows, cols, boxes, 0, 0)) {
// Let's freeze this bad boy back up
return ?Array.tabulate<Row>(size, func(i) {
} else {
return null; // No solution :-(
func solve(board: [var [var Cell]], rows: [var Nat32], cols: [var Nat32], boxes: [var Nat32], row: Nat, col: Nat) : Bool {
//we've won. we populated all 0-8 rows
if (row == 9) {
return true;
// Calculate next cell
let nextRow = if (col == 8) { row + 1 } else { row };
let nextCol = (col + 1) % 9; // Making sure we don't fall off the edge of the board
switch (board[row][col]) {
case null {
// Empty cell! Time to play "Guess the Number" (now with backtracking!)
for (num in Iter.range(1, 9)) {
let bitMask = Nat32.bitshiftLeft(1, Nat32.fromNat(num) - 1);
let boxIndex = (row / 3) * 3 + (col / 3); // magic formula strikes again
// Check if we can place the number here
if (Nat32.bitand(rows[row], bitMask) == 0 and
Nat32.bitand(cols[col], bitMask) == 0 and
Nat32.bitand(boxes[boxIndex], bitMask) == 0) {
// Record the presence of the number in the corresponding row, column, and box(again)
board[row][col] := ?Nat8.fromNat(num);
rows[row] := Nat32.bitor(rows[row], bitMask);
cols[col] := Nat32.bitor(cols[col], bitMask);
boxes[boxIndex] := Nat32.bitor(boxes[boxIndex], bitMask);
// Recursive. call to solve the next row and col
if (solve(board, rows, cols, boxes, nextRow, nextCol)) {
return true; // We found a solution!
// That didn't work. Time to erase our mistakes
board[row][col] := null;
rows[row] := Nat32.bitand(rows[row], ^bitMask);
cols[col] := Nat32.bitand(cols[col], ^bitMask);
boxes[boxIndex] := Nat32.bitand(boxes[boxIndex], ^bitMask);
return false; // We've tried, nothing and we're all out of ideas
case _ {
// This cell is already filled. Let's move on and pretend we did something useful here.
return solve(board, rows, cols, boxes, nextRow, nextCol);
Using additional buffers + helper functions
import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
actor {
type Cell = ?Nat8;
type Row = [Cell];
type Board = [Row];
func hasDuplicates(cells: Row): Bool {
var seen = Array.init<Bool>(10, false);
for (cell in cells.vals()) {
switch (cell) {
case (?n) {
if (seen[Nat8.toNat(n)]) return true;
seen[Nat8.toNat(n)] := true;
case (null) {};
return false;
func isValidBoard(board: Board): Bool {
// Check rows
for (row in board.vals()) {
if (hasDuplicates(row)) {
return false;
// Check columns
for (colIdx in Iter.range(0, board[0].size() - 1)) {
let col = Array.tabulate(board.size(), func(rowIdx: Nat): Cell {
if (hasDuplicates(col)) {
return false;
// Check each 3x3 box for duplicates
for (boxRow in Iter.range(0, 2)) {
for (boxCol in Iter.range(0, 2)) {
let boxBuffer = Buffer.Buffer<Cell>(9);
for (rowIdx in Iter.range(boxRow * 3, boxRow * 3 + 2)) {
for (colIdx in Iter.range(boxCol * 3, boxCol * 3 + 2)) {
let box = Buffer.toArray(boxBuffer);
if (hasDuplicates(box)) {
return false;
return true;
func findEmptyCell(board: Board): ?(Nat, Nat) {
for (rowIdx in Iter.range(0, board.size() - 1)) {
for (colIdx in Iter.range(0, board[rowIdx].size() - 1)) {
if (board[rowIdx][colIdx] == null) {
return ?(rowIdx, colIdx);
return null;
func solveSudoku(board: Board): ?Board {
switch (findEmptyCell(board)) {
case (null) {
return ?board;
case (?coords) {
let (i, j) = coords;
for (num in Iter.range(1, 9)) {
let candidate = ?Nat8.fromNat(num);
let newBoard = Array.tabulate<Row>(board.size(), func(rowIdx: Nat): Row {
if (rowIdx == i) {
Array.tabulate<Cell>(board[rowIdx].size(), func(colIdx: Nat): Cell {
if (colIdx == j) {
} else {
} else {
if (isValidBoard(newBoard)) {
switch (solveSudoku(newBoard)) {
case (null) {};
case (?solvedBoard) { return ?solvedBoard; };
return null;
public func solve(board: Board): async ?Board {
return solveSudoku(board);