How to test compiled wasm module without deploying as a canister to local/icp network?

Is it possible to perform functional testing of ICP-enabled features against a WebAssembly module built from some code (I’m using rust)?
For example, cross-canister calls, writes to canister storage, calls to public query/update functions defined in a candid interface, etc., which can be in the form of a separate mock for each of these.

I browsed the following places, but could not find anything like that, so I asked this question.

The one that is already publicly available other than unit test is e2e, which uses canister that is actually deployed, and is done locally by building a small ICP network using dfx.

Is it possible to test using a generic wasm runtime (e.g. wasmtime) instead of deploying an actual canister?

You should have a look at GitHub - icopen/lightic (CC: @stopak).

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Thanks for your advice!
A development environment like hardhat would be nice.
How would you use this tool?
I didn’t find much about it in the README.
Is there an example page or instructional page?


I’m still working on that part :).

In order to start using this tool you need to add it to package.json which should be in the same directory as your dfx.json file.

So you could start with

npm i lightic

Than you need to choose the js testing framework, it could be: mocha, jest, vitest or any other.

For the mocha, you can check an example here: lightic/test at main · icopen/lightic · GitHub

In order to be able to write test in mocha using typescript, you need to add following packages

npm i     @types/mocha @types/node typescript mocha chai ts-node

And create .mochars.json with content

// This config file contains Mocha's defaults.
// This same configuration could be provided in the `mocha` property of your
// project's `package.json`.
    "diff": true,
    "extension": ["js", "cjs", "mjs", "ts"],
    "package": "./package.json",
    "reporter": "spec",
    "slow": "75",
    "timeout": "2000",
    "ui": "bdd",
    "watch-files": ["lib/**/*.js", "test/**/*.ts"],
    "watch-ignore": ["lib/vendor"],
    "loader": "ts-node/esm"

In order to actually test your canister, you need to add to your test file

import { TestContext } from 'lightic'

const context = new TestContext()

This will create a context to run tests, it is a harness that gives you a possibility to install and run canisters

const canister = await context.deploy('./dfx/local/canisters/example/example.wasm')
const caller = Principal.anonymous()
const actor = Actor.createActor(canister.getIdlBuilder(), {
  agent: context.getAgent(caller),
  canisterId: canister.get_id()

As you can see this works with a wasm file, so you need to first compile the project using dfx, in the future the test harness will also take care of compilation.

You also need to specify the identity principle (who is calling the canisters) and create an actor.

Then you get an actor, which is the same type as regular dfinity actor.

In order to call canister:

const result = await actor.test_caller()

If you have any questions regarding the usage, I can help


Thank you for telling us about it!
I was able to run a simple test with the information you gave me, and I’m going to try a few things.

  it("Deploy", async () => {
    await context.deploy('./modules/hello_motoko/hello_motoko.wasm')
    await context.deploy('./modules/hello_rust/hello_rust.wasm')
    const canisters = context.replica.get_canisters()
    // there is management canister installed by default
    assert.equal(canisters.length, 3)

By the way, not directly related to lightic, the wasm required by TestContext must have icp:public candid:service in the metadata, is there any way to automatically add this at dfx build time?
I have used ic-wasm to add it myself.
ref: GitHub - dfinity/ic-wasm: A collection of libraries and tools for transforming Wasm canisters running on the Internet Computer

icp:private candid:service is granted by default, and if I grant myself icp:public and then try to deploy that wasm with actual dfx, I get an error.

Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Failed while trying to install all canisters.
Failed to install wasm module to canister ‘counter_motoko’.
Failed during wasm installation call: The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: “Wasm module of canister bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai is not valid: Wasm module has an invalid custom section. Invalid custom section: name candid:service already exists”

Is there a wrong way to configure icp:public candid:service?

I tried to write my own canister test with this reference, but I get an error.
Do you have any idea what it is?

Here is the test and wasm I made.

test (typescript)

  it("Call function", async () => {
    const caller = Principal.anonymous()
    const canister = await context.deploy('./modules/counter_motoko/counter_motoko.wasm');
    const actor = context.getAgent(caller).getActor(canister)
    const res = await actor.get() as any[] // fail here!!!

canister code (motoko)

actor Counter {

  stable var counter = 0;

  // Get canister label name.
  public query func name() : async Text {
    return "CounterMotoko";

  // Get the value of the counter.
  public query func get() : async Nat {
    return counter;

  // Set the value of the counter.
  public func set(n : Nat) : async () {
    counter := n;

  // Increment the value of the counter.
  public func inc() : async () {
    counter += 1;

  // Reset the value of the counter.
  public func reset() : async () {
    counter := 0;


% ic-wasm modules/counter_motoko/counter_motoko.wasm metadata
icp:private candid:service
icp:private candid:args
icp:private motoko:stable-types
icp:private motoko:compiler
icp:public candid:service
% ic-wasm modules/counter_motoko/counter_motoko.wasm metadata candid:service
service : {
  get: () -> (nat) query;
  inc: () -> ();
  name: () -> (text) query;
  reset: () -> ();
  set: (nat) -> ();

The error that occurred at this time is as follows
Error: Canister trap!: internal error: unexpected state entering InQuery

       Call function:
     Error: Canister trap!: internal error: unexpected state entering InQuery
      at Ic0.trap (node_modules/lightic/src/ic0.ts:279:15)
      at importObject.<computed> (node_modules/lightic/src/ic0.ts:17:61)
      at wasm://wasm/000ab3be:wasm-function[399]:0x17b6f
      at wasm://wasm/000ab3be:wasm-function[354]:0x17390
      at WasmCanister.process_message (node_modules/lightic/src/wasm_canister.ts:207:9)
      at ReplicaContext.process_message (node_modules/lightic/src/replica_context.ts:49:22)
      at ReplicaContext.process_messages (node_modules/lightic/src/replica_context.ts:82:18)
      at MockAgent.query (node_modules/lightic/src/mock_agent.ts:151:24)
      at caller (node_modules/lightic/src/mock_actor.ts:83:34)
      at CanisterActor.handler [as get] (node_modules/lightic/src/mock_actor.ts:129:11)
      at Context.<anonymous> (tests/simple.test.ts:26:29)
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Thank you for introducing me to icopen/lightic.
I would like to know more about this kind of developer environment, as well as other tools (more loosely coupled with the icp mechanism, dedicated to testing, etc.).
Do you know of any others or have any suggestions?

Can you share the code, you are trying to test? It might be a bug in lightic


Hey, I’ve just published updated version of lightic. I’ve solved several issues, with symptoms similar to yours. New version is v0.3.0


@stopak is it possible to use LightIC with Jest also?

Hey, of course. It will work with most of JS/TS test packages.

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How to mock a caller who is not anonymous can I

const caller = Principal.mockCaller()
Unit Failed Tests 1 

 FAIL  src/frontend/tests/React/chat.test.tsx > Should contain a candid interface
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../../../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/user_canister.wasm'
 ❯ Object.openSync node:fs:600:3
 ❯ Object.readFileSync node:fs:468:35

import {TestContext} from 'lightic'

const context = new TestContext()

test("Should contain a candid interface", async () => {
    const canister_context = await context.deploy("../../../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/user_canister.wasm")

any ideas please?

Consider giving PocketIc a try, it works great for integration testing canisters.

PocketIC is a local canister testing solution for the Internet Computer.
This testing library works together with the PocketIC server , allowing you to interact with your local IC instances and the canisters thereon.

To mock a principal you can for example create one from a random seed.

pub fn create_test_identity() -> BasicIdentity {
    let mut ed25519_seed = [0u8; 32];
    rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut ed25519_seed);
    let ed25519_keypair =
1 Like

Error: The PocketIC binary is only available for x64 Linux and Intel/rosetta-enabled Darwin, but you are running darwin arm64.

test("Should contain a candid interface", async () => {
    let pic = await PocketIc.create()
    const fixture = await pic.setupCanister<_SERVICE>(
    let actor =;


also in rust

 let res_bytes: WasmResult = pic.update_call(
        .expect("Failed to call counter canister");
    // let expected = Err("Anonymous users are not allowed to register.".to_string());

    println!("res_bytes: {:?}", res_bytes);

why this is in bytes not an acutal replay like Result<String,String> or something how to convert it?