How to debug logs on the ic network

Logs can be seen on local networks. How to read logs on IC networks


Or wait until the IC collects per canister logs in a way that’s accessible to canister admins. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s somewhere on the roadmap, but a lot of things are.

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Does the IC collect canister logs yet? This would be very nice.

I would like to see all errors, panics, and ic_cdk::print logs. It’s been difficult to debug in production, I assume others find this difficult as well?


Wanted to follow up on whether Motoko Debug.print logs are collected and accessible on the IC main net. Would be very helpful.

I think you’d need to use something like canistergeek.

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It’s kinda shocking thats not available somehow

really need my --network ic canister logs please :grin:

Anything available by now to read logs of canisters in production?