Despite testing various commands (dfx deploy, dfx canister create) with the --no-wallet flag, I haven’t find a way to deploy canisters without a cycle wallet.
Byron already explained how to use the cycles ledger without dfx. Regarding dfx:
Cycles ledger support is not fully enabled yet. You can enable it manually like this. It will be enabled completely starting with the beta that we’ll release this week.
BUT… If your identity has a cycles wallet configured, then dfx will stay in ‘wallet land’ and not use the cycles ledger. The --no-wallet flag is misleading in this case. I need to think about how we can rephrase that one.
So the way to go for you is to upgrade to the latest beta (probably released tomorrow) or to use the env var to enable support (see link above), then create a separate identity for which you don’t configure a wallet. If you then dfx canister create or dfx deploy, dfx will automatically use the cycles ledger