How login manually in AuthClient using a generated identity for testing?

I’m using this logic to generate identity in NODE env:

import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/identity';
import hdkey from 'hdkey';
import bip39 from 'bip39';

// Completely insecure seed phrase. Do not use for any purpose other than testing.
const seed = 'test test test test test test test test test test test test';

export const identityFromSeed = async (phrase) => {
	const seed = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(phrase);
	const root = hdkey.fromMasterSeed(seed);
	const addrnode = root.derive("m/44'/223'/0'/0/0");

	return Secp256k1KeyIdentity.fromSecretKey(addrnode.privateKey);

export const identity = identityFromSeed(seed);

and then use it to authenticate my requests to the canisters:

const agent = new HttpAgent({ host: '', fetch, identity });

How do I do the same thing in browser env? I’d like to use the same generated identity while creating AuthClient to authenticate as the same user.

const client = await AuthClient.create({identity});

Both bip39 & hdkey work fine in node env, but not in a browser? Is there a way to generate an identity which can be used in node and browser?

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In 0.14.1, you can use Secp256k1KeyIdentity.fromSeed and the logic is bundled in. In 0.15.0, Secp256k1KeyIdentity will be moving out of Identity into its own package, @dfinity/identity-secp256k1, because of the size of these dependencies


@kpeacock I updated the code to generate a random identity to:

import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/identity-secp256k1';

// Completely insecure seed phrase. Do not use for any purpose other than testing.
const seed = 'test test test test test test test test test test test test';

export const identityFromSeed = async (phrase) => {
	return Secp256k1KeyIdentity.fromSeedPhrase(phrase);

export const identity = identityFromSeed(seed);

And then using the exported identity like so:

const agent = new HttpAgent({ host: '', fetch, identity });

results in this error:

Error: input is invalid type
 ❯ Sha256.update ../../node_modules/js-sha256/src/sha256.js:177:19
 ❯ Secp256k1KeyIdentity.sign ../../node_modules/@dfinity/identity-secp256k1/src/secp256k1.ts:204:10
 ❯ Secp256k1KeyIdentity.transformRequest ../../node_modules/@dfinity/agent/src/auth.ts:94:32
 ❯ ../../node_modules/@dfinity/agent/src/agent/http/index.ts:331:4
 ❯ caller ../../node_modules/@dfinity/agent/src/actor.ts:376:26

Edit: I’m using "@dfinity/identity-secp256k1": "0.15.1",

I’m assuming you also updated import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/identity'; to @dfinity/identity-secp256k1.

Have you also updated @dfinity/agent to 0.15.1?

Yes, I updated the code in my previous reply

@dfinity/agent is 0.15.1.
@dfinity/identity-secp256k1 is 0.15.1

Basically everything is up to date.

And I’m creating this agent in vitest if that matters.

Should I create a new issue for this on the github repo?

Created an issue here: Identity generated by `fromSeedPhrase` is not compatible with actor created · Issue #679 · dfinity/agent-js · GitHub

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Good note. thanks kyle