I’m using ic-stable-memory libary by @senior.joinu.
here is my upgrading code:
pub fn pre_upgrade() {
let init_state: InitState = INIT_STATE.with(|state| state.borrow().clone());
let init_state = SBox::new(init_state).expect("failed to clone");
let system_state = SYSTEM_STATE
.with(|state| state.borrow().clone())
.expect("failed to clone");
let system_state = SBox::new(system_state).expect("failed to box");
let user_state = USER_STATE.with(|state| state.borrow().clone().expect("failed to clone"));
let user_state = SBox::new(user_state).expect("failed to box");
let offer_state = OFFER_STATE.with(|state| state.borrow().clone().expect("failed to clonex"));
let offer_state = SBox::new(offer_state).expect("failed to box");
store_custom_data(0, init_state);
store_custom_data(1, system_state);
store_custom_data(2, user_state);
store_custom_data(3, offer_state);
stable_memory_pre_upgrade().expect("out of memory");
pub fn post_upgrade() {
let init_state: SBox<InitState> = retrieve_custom_data(0).unwrap();
let system_state: SBox<System> = retrieve_custom_data(1).unwrap();
let user_state: SBox<UserState> = retrieve_custom_data(2).unwrap();
let offer_state: SBox<OfferState> = retrieve_custom_data(3).unwrap();
INIT_STATE.with(|state| {
*state.borrow_mut() = init_state.into_inner();
SYSTEM_STATE.with(|state| {
*state.borrow_mut() = system_state.into_inner();
USER_STATE.with(|state| {
*state.borrow_mut() = user_state.into_inner();
OFFER_STATE.with(|state| {
*state.borrow_mut() = offer_state.into_inner();
when I try to upgrade the canister it fails with this error:
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Failed while trying to install all canisters.
Failed to install wasm module to canister 'contract'.
Failed during wasm installation call: The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "Canister bw4dl-smaaa-aaaaa-qaacq-cai trapped: heap out of bounds"
hmm, how do I do that?
can you show some code?
I’m using ic-stable-memory so I’m guessing my data is already on stable-memory.
is that how it’s done? or I’m wrong?
I’m no good with ic-stable-memory, but I can recommend you have a look at the readme to see some examples. Otherwise, please ping @senior.joinu, he’s the author
I would suggest you to provide us with a MRE. This way I could try it locally and see what happens.
From the error message itself I don’t see if this is a bug with ic-stable-memory, but it may be.
Yes, sure.
So you have this code that doesn’t work. If it is not a secret, just share it without modifying and provide an instruction on how to achieve the same error you’re having.
If it is a secret, then find a way to achieve the same error with similar code, that does not reveal any secrets, and share this code instead.