I encounter some issue when using rust crate ic-agent.
And got no clue how to fix some little problems.
Can anyone share some use example of using ic-agent to test functions ?
use candid::Decode;
use candid::Principal;
async fn test1() {
// Import the ic-agent crate and the candid crate
use candid::{CandidType, Decode, Encode};
use ic_agent::Agent;
// Define a struct that corresponds to the Candid record type of the add_wallet argument
struct AddWalletArgument {
address: String,
name: String,
from: String,
// ! simulate call from rust code : dfx canister call backend add_wallet '(record { address = "a1"; name = "AmydaLu"; from = "asdaw" })'
// Create an instance of the Agent struct
let agent = Agent::builder()
// Use the URL of the Internet Computer or a local replica
// ! pgrep replica # get pid from name
// ! lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep <pid>
// todo ! which port should i use ?
// Use an identity to sign messages
// todo: how to simulate : dfx use btwl1 ? and the account have passwd. when i exec dfx cmd . it requires my passwd in bash
// Fetch the root key of the replica
use backend::common::constants;
// Get the canister identifier of the backend canister
let backend_canister_id = Principal::from_text(constants::BACKEND_CANISTER_ID.to_string())?;
let test_addr="67cff347f803890e6bd1865b5a116c8c06384992b93d2fc8bb8da2f22fffc6a3".to_string();
// Create a Candid value that represents the argument of the add_wallet method
let argument = Encode!(&AddWalletArgument {
address: test_addr,
name: "AmydaLu_wallet".to_string(),
from: "nns".to_string(),
// Call the add_wallet method on the backend canister
let response = agent
.update(&backend_canister_id, "add_wallet")
// Pass the Candid value as the argument of the add_wallet method
// Wait for the result of the update call
// Decode the result of the update call
let result = Decode!(response.as_slice(), Result<bool, String>)?;
match result {
Ok(_) => println!("Wallet added successfully"),
Err(msg) => println!("Error: {}", msg),
// Print the result
println!("{:?}", result);