I’m attempting to make an HTTP call to a Post method in which the body of the request is an ECDSA signed envelope. To do that, I must serialize the request body into CBOR format. How does one achieve such a serialization from within a Motoko canister?
One of the ICDevs bounties I completed was a CBOR library, so you are in luck
I literally just discovered you’re repo 30 minutes ago. I searched “Vessel Packages” and it came up. This is exactly what I need.
@Gekctek, can you confirm whether or not I’m using this Encoder correctly?
In order to get the envelope
object in the form of a [Nat8]
array that can be inserted into the encoder, I use the to_candid()
function to convert it into a candid
blob, then from there, I convert the candid blob into a [Nat8] array. I wonder if this is allowed.
public type EnvelopeContent = {
nonce: ?[Nat8];
ingress_expiry: Nat64;
sender: Principal;
canister_id: Principal;
method_name: Text;
arg: [Nat8];
public type Envelope = {
content: EnvelopeContent;
sender_pubkey: ?[Nat8];
sender_sig: ?[Nat8];
let envelope : Envelope = <some_envelope>;
let envelopeAsCandidBlob : Blob = to_candid(envelope);
let envelopeAsCandidNat8Array : [Nat8] = Blob.toArray(envelopeAsCandidBlob);
let result = Encoder.encode(#majorType2(envelopeAsCandidNat8Array));
No. So the envelope/content need to be in cbor vs candid as seen here in the docs
The only candid encoded part should be the ‘arg’ bytes
So here is the annoying part. Motoko does not have a way to have a record like Envelope
to directly be serialized, its all a manual process. So in this case you would have to do the following
let content = #majorType5([
(#majorType3("nonce"), nonceBytes),
let bytes: Types.CborValue = #majorType5([
(#majorType3("content"), content),
(#majorType3("sender_pubkey"), #majorType2(pubKeyBytes)),
(#majorType3("sender_sig"), #majorType2(signatureBytes))
let bytes: [Nat8] = switch(CborEncoder.encode(bytes)) {
case (#err(e)) ...;
case (#ok(c)) c;
Also i find it helpful to use https://cbor.me/ to debug the bytes of cbor if needed
@Gekctek, How do I go about encoding Optional
s, Blob
s and Principal
s using the CBOR Encoder that you’ve written? None of the Major Types
account for these data types.
Initially, I thought to simply drop the all optionals and convert the Blobs and Principals to Nat8 arrays so that the data could be encoded using your CBOR encoder, but when I do that, I get the following HTTP response:
record {
status = 400 : nat;
body = opt "unable_to_parse_cbor: invalid type: byte array, expected struct ICRequestContent\n";
headers = vec { record { value = "application/cbor"; name = "content-type" } };
Its complaining that the Request’s content should take the form of an ICRequestContent
structure which uses Optionals, Principals and Blobs. I’ve defined the ICRequestContent
structure below
type ICRequestContent = {
sender: Principal,
canister_id: ?Principal,
method_name: ?String,
nonce: ?Blob,
ingress_expiry: ?u64,
arg: ?Blob,
Here is an example of one I have implemented in C#.
Principals are just the raw bytes/bytestring of the principal value
Blobs are just raw bytes
and if its optional, it looks like you just dont include that property, unless it has a value
Here is a link to my implementation
Here is a quote from the docs
The following encodings are used:
Strings: Major type 3 ("Text string").
Blobs: Major type 2 ("Byte string").
Nats: Major type 0 ("Unsigned integer") if small enough to fit that type, else the Bignum format is used.
Records: Major type 5 ("Map of pairs of data items"), followed by the fields, where keys are encoded with major type 3 ("Text string").
Arrays: Major type 4 ("Array of data items").
My understanding of the spec is that the optional fields are not included in the CBOR content map.
@Gekctek, I’m still getting a 400 status (malformed request) returned when making the request and I’m not seeing any clear reason why. I formed the request as shown below using the CBOR encoder you made. The last thing I do is run the envelopeAsMajorType
object through the CBOR encoder, then take the resulting Nat8 array and convert it to a Blob to use as the body of the request. Am I missing something?
let envelopeContentInMajorType5Format : [(Value.Value, Value.Value)] = ([
(#majorType3("nonce"), #majorType2(nonce)),
(#majorType3("request_type"), #majorType3("call")),
(#majorType3("ingress_expiry"), #majorType0(ingress_expiry)),
(#majorType3("method_name"), #majorType3(method_name)),
(#majorType3("sender"), #majorType2(Blob.toArray(Principal.toBlob(sender)))),
(#majorType3("canister_id"), #majorType2(Blob.toArray(Principal.toBlob(canister_id)))),
(#majorType3("arg"), #majorType2(arg))
let envelopeAsMajorType : Value.Value = #majorType5([
(#majorType3("content"), #majorType5(envelopeContentInMajorType5Format)),
(#majorType3("sender_pubkey"), #majorType2(public_key)),
(#majorType3("sender_sig"), #majorType2(Blob.toArray(signature)))
Nevermind. I found the problem. I had the ingress_expirey parameter set too low at just 5 seconds. Increasing it to 60 seconds resolved the issue.
I’ve added support for @Gekctek CBOR library to the serde library to make it more convenient to convert motoko variables. Here’s an example of how it works:
import { CBOR } "mo:serde";
let request : ICRequestContent = { ... content };
let candid = to_candid(request);
// The encoder requires a list of all the field names in the datatype.
let fields = ["sender", "canister_id", "method_name", "nonce", "ingress_expiry", "arg"];
let #ok(cbor) = CBOR.encode(candid, fields, null) else Debug.trap("error converting to cbor");
At the moment, the library doesn’t support variants, but I recently added support for encoding Principals based on the discussion in this forum. However, since the principle is tagged as a blob during this step, it can’t be converted back to the original principle. Instead, it will be converted to Motoko as a Blob
. This issue could be solved if there were specific tags for Motoko datatypes that are missing in the CBOR standard for Principals and Variants.
You can convert from CBOR to Motoko using the