I’m attempting to convert a Trie.Trie into an array. Go someone give me an example of how this is done. Thanks in advance!
You could create an iterator using Trie.iter() and use Iter.toArray(), eg:
import Trie “mo:base/Trie”;
import Text “mo:base/Text”;
import Iter “mo:base/Iter”;type Trie<K, V> = Trie.Trie<K, V>;
type Key = Trie.Key;func key(t: Text) : Key { { key = t; hash = Text.hash(t) } };
let t0 : Trie<Text, Nat> = Trie.empty();
let t1 : Trie<Text, Nat> = Trie.put(t0, key(“one”), Text.equal, 1).0;
let t2 : Trie<Text, Nat> = Trie.put(t1, key(“two”), Text.equal, 2).0;let my_array : [(Text, Nat)] = Iter.toArray(Trie.iter(t2));
This will give you an array of key/value pairs like so: [(“one”, 1), (“two”, 2)]
Or you could use Trie.toArray(), which takes a function that maps from key/value pairs to a third type (which could still be a key/value pair or for example just the value), see here:
Is there an example implementation of using the toArray function of the Trie? I am looking at the toArray source from the link, and the application is not jumping out at me…
Also, I am curious which is a more optimized implementation, using toArray on the Trie or using the iterator?
let myTrie
: Trie.Trie<Text, Nat>
= Trie.empty();
let myArray
: [(Text, Nat)]
= Trie.toArray<Text, Nat, (Text, Nat)>(myTrie, func (k, v) {
(k, v);
seems optimal to me.
great! thank you…got this working
for posterity this is what I ended up doing:
public shared func getRecords() : async [Record] {
let result : [Record] =
Trie.toArray<Text, Record, Record>(records, func(k, v)) {
return results;