Thanks for the public subnet!!! (i just asked on friday for a ‘common good’ subnet… your welcome
did this:
dfx ledger --network ic create-canister <dfx ledger --network ic create-canister --amount .25
Transfer sent at BlockHeight: 177260
Canister created with id: “uoewz-fiaaa-aaaah-aaacq-cai”
dfx wallet --network ic balance
currently returns:
10680750675655 cycles.
dfx deploy --network ic
Deploying all canisters.
Creating canisters…
Creating canister “helloIC”…
The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: “Canister uoewz-fiaaa-aaaah-aaacq-cai attempted to send 11000000000000 cycles when only 10659232753230 were available in its balance”
dfx deploy --network ic --with-cycles 1000000000000
Deploying all canisters.
Creating canisters…
Creating canister “helloIC”…
“helloIC” canister created on network “ic” with canister id: “sfnao-7yaaa-aaaah-aaavq-cai”
Creating canister “helloIC_assets”…
“helloIC_assets” canister created on network “ic” with canister id: “sqkrd-6qaaa-aaaah-aaawa-cai”
Building canisters…
Building frontend…
Installing canisters…
Installing code for canister helloIC, with canister_id sfnao-7yaaa-aaaah-aaavq-cai
The invocation to the wallet call forward method failed with the error: An error happened during the call: 5: Could not install canister sfnao-7yaaa-aaaah-aaavq-cai as it has only 0 cycles but 858999459200 are required.
which would work if i started with that command. but I was following the guide and it said to:
dfx ledger --network ic create-canister vrn7l-uocji-qfnzf-6xdsx-r33f2-qj7fd-ckbup-b4o52-azj6j-mazny-mqe --amount .25
Transfer sent at BlockHeight: 177260
Canister created with id: “uoewz-fiaaa-aaaah-aaacq-cai”
which need more added to it to complete the hello tutorial.
this is really frustrating for a new person when the basic quickstart does not compile.
I ran into a separate issue that required me to set my wallet flag. Note that this is for dfx 0.9.3
% dfx canister --network=ic deposit-cycles 200000000000 <canister_id>
Error: The deposit cycles call needs to proxied via the wallet canister. Invoke this command without the `--no-wallet` flag.
So then I added in my wallet to the command and it worked.