Having issues using `ic-stable-structures` library

here is my state:

pub struct State {
    pub chunk_count: u128,
    #[serde(skip, default = "init_chunk_stable_data")]
    pub chunks: StableBTreeMap<u128, Chunk, StableMemory>,
    pub asset_count: u128,
    #[serde(skip, default = "init_asset_stable_data")]
    pub assets: StableBTreeMap<u128, Asset, StableMemory>,
pub fn insert_chunk(){
        let mut state = state.borrow_mut();
        for id in 0..100{
            let chunk = Chunk{
                content: [0; 2000].to_vec(),
                order: 1,
                owner: ic_cdk::id(),
                created_at: ic_cdk::api::time(),
                checksum: 200,
                id: 10        
            state.chunks.insert(id, chunk);

pub fn insert_asset(){
        let mut state = state.borrow_mut();
        for id in 0..100{
            let asset = Asset{
                content: [0; 4000].to_vec(),
                file_name: "".into(),
                owner: Principal::anonymous(),
                content_encoding: ContentEncoding::GZIP,
                url: "".to_string(),
                id: 100,
                content_type: "".into()
            state.assets.insert(id, asset);

I’m only able to call one of them.
if I try to call both: I get the following error:

Call was rejected:
Request ID: 5d5009333fb8f2ef2934c896ea710f5125049452dbb145c44e339ebd50306125
Reject code: 5
Reject text: Canister bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai trapped explicitly: Panicked at 'MemoryId(2): grow failed', /Users/pramitgaha/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/ic-stable-structures-0.5.6/src/memory_manager.rs:351:17

I also had another function:

pub fn chunk_availability_check(ids: Vec<u128>) -> bool {
    STATE.with(|state| {
        let state = state.borrow();
        for id in ids.iter() {
            if let None = state.chunks.get(id){
                return false

this function fails with error:

"IC0522: Canister bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai exceeded the instruction limit for single message execution."

@ielashi , author…

It’s unclear from the code what’s wrong. You’re likely setting a MAX_VALUE for the structures that’s too big and is exhausting your memory.