Got IC5022 error when run RGB on IC

When I issue a RGB20 asset, and import that to a Stock, I got an error:

Error: Failed query call.
Caused by: Failed query call.
  The replica returned a replica error: reject code CanisterError, reject message IC0522: Canister aax3a-h4aaa-aaaaa-qaahq-cai exceeded the instruction limit for single message execution., error code Some("IC0522")

The code is very simple:

fn greet(name: String) -> String {
    let beneficiary_txid =
    let beneficiary = Outpoint::new(beneficiary_txid, 1);

    let contract = NonInflatableAsset::testnet("TEST", "Test asset", None, Precision::CentiMicro)
        .expect("invalid contract data")
        .allocate(Method::TapretFirst, beneficiary, 100_000_000_000_u64.into())
        .expect("invalid allocations")
        .expect("invalid contract data");

    let contract_id = contract.contract_id();

    // Let's create some stock - an in-memory stash and inventory around it:
    let mut stock = Stock::default();   
    stock.import_iface_impl(NonInflatableAsset::issue_impl()).unwrap();     // this code will get IC5022 ERROR when running IC Canister

    // stock.import_contract(contract, &mut DumbResolver).unwrap();

    // // Reading contract state through the interface from the stock:
    // let contract = stock.contract_iface_id(contract_id, Rgb20::iface().iface_id()).unwrap();
    // let contract = Rgb20::from(contract);

    ic_cdk::api::print(format!("Hello from IC debugger, {}, {}", name, beneficiary));
    println!("Hello from WASI: {}, {}", name, beneficiary);

    format!("Hello, {}, {}!", name, beneficiary)
    // format!("Hello, {}, {}, Total supply: {:?}", name, beneficiary, contract.total_supply())

How can I increase the instruction limit to address this? or does someone have any suggestions?

rgbonic code

i found another thread by lastmjs with IC5022 problem too

Thank you.

Hi @lshoo,

I’m a bit confused. The error stems from calling a query but the method you are citing is annotated as an update. I assume that in your Candid file, the method is still annotated as a query.

Query calls have an instruction limit of 5B instructions, whereas update calls have a current instruction limit of 20B instructions, see the resource limits page for details.

This means your issue will most probably be solved by correctly annotating and calling the method as an update.

Thanks @domwoe

It works after remove query in Candid file.

If I issue 1000 assets in a canister, is it easy to hit the instruction limit?
Can i increase the instructoin limit to 1000B?

when i continue to issue 10 rgb20 assets, I got an error:

Error: Failed update call.
Caused by: Failed update call.
  The replica returned a replica error: reject code CanisterError, reject message Canister aax3a-h4aaa-aaaaa-qaahq-cai exceeded the instruction limit for single message execution., error code None

the code is below:

use std::convert::Infallible;

use amplify::hex::FromHex;
use bp::dbc::Method;
use rgb_schemata::NonInflatableAsset;
use rgbstd::{interface::{IfaceClass, IssuerClass, Rgb20}, invoice::Precision, persistence::{Inventory, Stock}, resolvers::ResolveHeight, validation::{ResolveWitness, WitnessResolverError}, Outpoint, Txid, WitnessAnchor, WitnessId, XAnchor, XPubWitness};
use strict_types::StrictDumb;

fn greet(name: String) -> String {
    let beneficiary_txid =
    let beneficiary = Outpoint::new(beneficiary_txid, 1);

    let contract = NonInflatableAsset::testnet("TEST", "Test asset", None, Precision::CentiMicro)
        .expect("invalid contract data")
        .allocate(Method::TapretFirst, beneficiary, 100_000_000_000_u64.into())
        .expect("invalid allocations")
        .expect("invalid contract data");

    let contract_id = contract.contract_id();

    // Let's create some stock - an in-memory stash and inventory around it:
    let mut stock = Stock::default();   

    stock.import_contract(contract, &mut DumbResolver).unwrap();

    for i in 0..10 {
        let contract = NonInflatableAsset::testnet(format!("TEST{i}").as_str(), format!("Test asset {i}").as_str(), None, Precision::CentiMicro)
        .expect("invalid contract data")
        .allocate(Method::TapretFirst, beneficiary, 100_000_000_000_u64.into())
        .expect("invalid allocations")
        .expect("invalid contract data");

        stock.import_contract(contract, &mut DumbResolver).unwrap();
    // Reading contract state through the interface from the stock:
    let contract = stock.contract_iface_id(contract_id, Rgb20::iface().iface_id()).unwrap();
    let contract = Rgb20::from(contract);


    ic_cdk::api::print(format!("Hello from IC debugger, {}, {}", name, beneficiary));
    println!("Hello from WASI: {}, {}", name, beneficiary);

    // format!("Hello, {}, {}!", name, beneficiary)
    format!("Hello, {}, {}, Total supply: {:?}", name, beneficiary, contract.total_supply())

fn init() {
    ic_wasi_polyfill::init(&[0u8; 32], &[]);

struct DumbResolver;

impl ResolveWitness for DumbResolver {
    fn resolve_pub_witness(&self, _: WitnessId) -> Result<XPubWitness, WitnessResolverError> {

impl ResolveHeight for DumbResolver {
    type Error = Infallible;
    fn resolve_anchor(&mut self, _: &XAnchor) -> Result<WitnessAnchor, Self::Error> {

You should find out how many instructions the issuance of a single rgb20 asset consumes and then chunk the issuance accordingly.

Note, that you can chunk the computation without user/client side involvement by doing self calls, since each this creates a new entry point which starts a fresh message execution.

To measure the instruction count (of a single execution) you can use the instruction counter API.

The instruction limits are fixed per version of the replica code, as a dev (at least on mainnet) there is no way for you to increase the instruction limit.

As suggested you just work within the limits. 5 billion for query, 20 billion for update, 200 billion for init/post_upgrade.

@lshoo FYI Let's solve these crucial protocol weaknesses - #119 by ulan