Generating files using the type custom is not the same as when type is rust

I’m trying to generate declaration files from candid files but the output is different from where dfx generate is being run.

For the repo: GitHub - go-bazzinga/hot-or-not-backend-canister,

Running dfx generate (after running dfx deploy) generates correct declarations.

But creating dfx.json (source below) in a different directory, running dfx generate (after running dfx deploy) generates only one js declaration file, which looks different as well.

  "canisters": {
    "configuration": {
      "type": "custom",
      "candid": "",
      "wasm": "",
      "declarations": {
        "node_compatibility": true,
        "output": "./configuration"
      "remote": {
        "id": {
          "ic": "efsfj-sqaaa-aaaap-qatwa-dai"

How do I use the type: "custom" to generate the same declarations that I get from the source repo.