Gate23 Showcase by Bridge23 team

Project Highlights

Gate23 is Decentralized Point of Sale (DPOS) and business software designed specifically for the Food & Beverage (F&B), e-commerce, and retail industries, built on ICP for seamless integration of web2 business to web3 ecosystems.

Web3 Advantages

In Web2 we usually use Shopify, Amazon or a service like Stripe to create an online/offline storefront and accept payments for services.

The provider and not the merchant owns all the data, and as a result, we have to pay them for the analysis of this data or promotion and get not the most transparent results.

In Gate23 we build trust and good relationships by storing data on-chain on Internet Computer blockchain tokenizing products and transactions. We call it proof of purchase.

How It’s Built

In the first version, we implement cross-chain functionality for authorization with Internet identity/NFID for merchants’ registration and create product collection on the Base chain for product tokenization. ( we use NFTs not just for fun and loyalty cards, but more utils for “proof of purchases”).

For store merchants’ data we use Juno.Console

Key Technologies

  • Languages: Rust, Motoko
  • Frameworks: Vue.js, Juno, Quasar Framework
  • Other Key Tools and Libraries: Vite, Pinia, Tailwind CSS

Internet Computer Superpowers

The Internet Computer’s features, such as its high throughput, low transaction costs, and reverse-gas model, have been pivotal in the development of Gate23. These features allow for efficient and secure handling of large volumes of transaction data, making Gate23 a reliable and scalable solution for the F&B and retail industries. The decentralized nature of the Internet Computer ensures that all data remains secure and immutable, fostering trust among users and merchants.

For monetization, we planned to build a transaction fee model and premium services subscription (storage, advanced functions on the canister, and “proof of purchases”).

Status of the Project

Now we have finished the second milestone of the developer Grant for cross-chain implementation in the app after we won the ETH Seoul hackathon in the “Cross-chain track” and now look forward to adding ledger and payments inside the platform, after we finish part with tokenizing.

Currently in the MVP development phase. Core functionalities such as canister data storage, and user authentication. We are refining the user interface to ensure a seamless experience for F&B and retail businesses.


Future Plans

  • Add ability to make payments by ckTokens (USDC, BTC, ETH) in real-time fiat exchange rate
  • Improve categorization for creating shops and collection
  • Add more smart cross-chain contracts
  • Stripe API for fiat payments
  • Partnership with AlphaPoint, RedotPay

We’d love your feedback on Gate23 :thought_balloon: :smile:
Share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Let’s chat and improve together!


Very interesting project! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Looking forward to building together!


Yes, lets connect for building!

Good project. Interesting concept - proof of purchase.