Fungible Token Standard [Community Consideration]

Auto-Scaling Storage (ATSS) for Dfinity Fungible Token Standard(DFT) details:

  1. When will the ATSS be created?

    • Create the first ATSS when the DFT’s transactions (txs) > 2000. It means that no ATSS will be created before the DFT’s txs > 2000 to save cycles . (for example : you deploy a DFT for test)

    • Create the next ATSS when the current ATSS’s storage size is not enough to store 1000 txs.

  2. What’s the fallback strategy?
    If the creation of the ATSS fails, the txs will be stored in the DFT, txs will be moved to ATSS when the creation is successful.
    Possible reasons for failure:

    • Not enough cycles balance to create ATSS.
    • Other unknown reason.

Leave your comments & advices to make it better.