[FOLLOW UP ON ITEM] New canisters will only be accessible through the icp0.io domain. Existing canisters will be accessible both through ic0.app and icp0.io

Regarding blocklisting:
I can confirm that raw.icp0.io was listed on Google Safe Browsing, but was removed ~2 weeks ago.

See Important Community Update on ic0.app domain being flagged by an anti-spam blocklist - #103 by jwendling

But I can also confirm that Google Safe Browsing lists some canisters that are already served via icp0.io. If you check the Safe Browsing entry it states Some pages on this site are unsafe, which means that it shows the warning only for those sites that are listed and not all.

I don’t see any warning, when I browse a canister using raw.icp0.io or icp0.io.

Regarding raw in general:
To my understanding raw works for icp0.io as it works for ic0.app. Maybe @raymondk can comment on that as well.

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