Follow neuron via DFX

I get this error while trying to follow a neuron via dfx.
Any idea?

FIX ME! opt table2 <: opt Command_1 via special opt rule. This means the sender and receiver type has diverged, and can cause data loss. (record { command = null })

dfx canister --network ic call sns_governance manage_neuron \ "(record { \ subaccount = blob \"CANISTER_ID\"; \ command = opt variant { \ Follow = record { \ function_id = 0; \ followees = vec { \ record { id = blob \"FOLLOWEE_CANISTER_ID\"} \ } \ } \ }\ })"

Hi @apotheosis,

most likely, you are using a version of DFX that is not compatible with the SNS you are working with.

Could you post what dfx --version prints, please, and what SNS are you working with?

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It seems to be an old DID file. We found the new one here.
DFX 0.14.0

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