File upload simple example

I am aware of Cancan, but does anyone has a very basic/simple example of file upload to start with?

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Oh, let me push mine


it’s a few steps away from using a file input, and won’t support chunking, but it’s a proof of concept to authorize uploads to an asset canister, write a foobar.txt file, and then fetch it


If I were to adapt this code to rust, would I just ignore the .did.d.ts and .did.js files and reorg the file structure a bit and adapt the .mo code to the appropriate

This is such old code now - things should still work but this isn’t how I’d do anything today

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Great to know. I did see that it was quite old. I’m trying my best to figure out the asset loading we discussed using icx-asset and ic-certified-asset but am having several issues so I am looking for the simplest examples I can find related to uploading files.