Factland tokenomics coming soon, we need the community's input to make it happen

Hi @kaxline,

I think conceptually it is possible to have more than one token, but note that this is not built-in to the SNS and might add complexity. Some initial thought I have about aspect that might be good to consider:

  • If you are thinking about an SNS, then I assume that the ledger that is built into the SNS would be the governance token?
  • How would the “community nominations and peer voting” work in this case?
  • If you launch an SNS, then participation is open to everyone. Would this go against this idea?
  • How would the non-governance token be implemented? How would the ledger canister of this token be controlled and upgraded?

We could also use some help with the particulars of ICP dynamics and SNS, tbh.

Happy to help with this if you have more concrete questions.
Note that if you have technical SNS-specific question you are also very welcome to join our SNS office hours to discuss this in more detail!