EVM RPC canister function "request" accepts only a single RpcService

The other canister functions accept RpcServices but the request function only a single RpcService. Is this intentional @rvanasa?

  pub async fn request(
    arg0: RpcService,
    arg1: String,
    arg2: u64,
  ) -> Result<(RequestResult,)> {
    ic_cdk::call(self.0, "request", (arg0,arg1,arg2,)).await

This is intentional; here is a quick explanation of the difference. Canister methods such as eth_getLogs include built-in agreement logic between multiple RPC providers, and in some cases they may call each API several times. The details are abstracted away behind the scenes.

On the other hand, the request method sends a raw JSON request to one specific RPC provider without transforming the input or response. This is intended for use cases which require custom agreement logic between providers (e.g. if using a non-standard RPC method or provider).

This is explained in more detail in the EVM RPC documentation.

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