Hi @kristofer, thanks for reaching out about this. Returning the expected transaction status is not always possible depending on the implementation of the third-party API. With 28 requests happening in parallel, it’s possible that only one response will contain the successful transaction while the rest will indicate that the transaction has already been submitted (NonceTooLow). In other cases, all of the responses can indicate a successful transaction. Whether this happens depends on the implementation of the JSON-RPC API, so we relay whatever is returned from the HTTP outcall consensus.
It’s possible to design around this, e.g. calling eth_getTransactionReceipt to verify a transaction with a NonceTooLow response if necessary.
Have you tried using your deduplicating proxy server as a workaround (link for other readers)? It should fix the issue described above, at least in principle.
That is great to hear! I opened a PR which updates the documentation and includes a link to the C-ATTS proxy server for better discoverability. Let me know if you’re ok with this being included in the docs. Cheers!