Evaluating Compute Pricing in Response to Increased Demand on the Internet Computer Protocol

Can we test this changes related to change in costs locally using pocket ic?

I fully agree, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s actually what we did here. Scalability of ICP comes from adding more subnets. However, for sound tokenomics, it must be the case that highly loaded subnets burn more ICP for cycles than the node providers receive. In the high load that we saw, this was not the case: we saw highly loaded subnets that did not burn a ton of cycles. So with the cycles pricing adjustments discussed in this thread, we addressed those specific scenarios.

So TLDR: scalability comes from adding subnets, and with correct cycles pricing, it means that as ICP gains more and more load and more subnets are added, this all is good news for ICP token holders.


@Manu please consider adding a co-location fee or something to avoid a possible ā€œDOS attackā€ on a subnet by creating too many canisters.

Thank you for clearing up my misunderstanding. much appreciated

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