Error with integration

i tried to connect motoko and svelte but every time recieve this error Upload failed: Error: Call was rejected:
Request ID: 9266794f077f9cefb7ac454cf1a4bc534a4c7c4cd36732a0827d93124e04d6bc
Reject code: 3
Reject text: Canister br5f7-7uaaa-aaaaa-qaaca-cai has no update method ‘putFileInfo’

motoko code: public func putFileChunks(fileId: FileId, chunkNum : Nat, fileSize: Nat, chunkData : Blob) : async () {
let b : Bucket = await getEmptyBucket(?fileSize);
let _ = await b.putChunks(fileId, chunkNum, chunkData);

// save file info
public func putFileInfo(fi: FileInfo) : async ?FileId {
let b: Bucket = await getEmptyBucket(?fi.size);
Debug.print(“creating file info…” # debug_show(fi));
let fileId = await b.putFile(fi);

svelte code:
import { BackendActor } from ‘…/agent’;

const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 500; // 500kb

let fileData = ‘Drag and drop a file or select add File’;
let file = {
name: ‘’,
type: ‘’,
size: 0,
blob: new Blob(),
width: 0,
height: 0
let ready = false;
let uploading = false;
const fileInfo = {
name: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2),
createdAt: BigInt( * 1000),
size: BigInt(file.size),
chunkCount: BigInt(Math.ceil(file.size / MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)),
extension: getFileExtension(file.type)
try {
const ba = await BackendActor.getBackendActor();
const fileId = await ba.putFileInfo(fileInfo);
let chunk = 1;
for (let byteStart = 0; byteStart < file.blob.size; byteStart += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, chunk++) {
const blobSlice = file.blob.slice(byteStart, Math.min(file.blob.size, byteStart + MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
const chunkBuffer = await blobSlice.arrayBuffer();
await ba.putFileChunks(fileId, BigInt(chunk), BigInt(file.size), Array.from(new Uint8Array(chunkBuffer)));
uploading = false;
fileData = ‘Drag and drop a file or select add File’;
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Upload failed:’, error);
uploading = false;

Do you know if you have deployed canister br5f7-7uaaa-aaaaa-qaaca-cai with update method putFileInfo?