@aterga now, when I run the following command:
dfx sns deploy-testflight --init-config-file="sns_init.yaml" --network ic
I get this error message:
Error: Could not build canister init payloads: Error in validate_all_post_execution_swap_parameters_are_set: The one-proposal SNS initialization requires some SnsInitPayload parameters to be Some. But the following fields were set to None: nns_proposal_id, swap_start_timestamp_seconds, swap_due_timestamp_seconds
Error: nns_proposal_id must be specified
Error: swap_start_timestamp_seconds must be specified
Error: Extension exited with non-zero status code '1'.
I’m following the steps laid out here but it appears there may be a step missing.
how do I go about setting the missing parameters: nns_proposal_id
, swap_start_timestamp_seconds
, swap_due_timestamp_seconds