Domain is missing from list of known domains:

Copying here the answer I gave on Discord since this post gets resurfaced:

It depends on the type of builder (Vite, Webpack, etc.) you are using in your dapp. You might find this answer about the localcation of ic-assets.json there maybe?

Yes because this is incorrect, once again, the outcome should be dist/.well-known and nothing else.

In vite commonly static files are located in a public folder, if you’ve got such a folder try to place public/.well-known there as source folder.

public is sometimes also called static

Likewise for the .ic-assets.json , it should fine place in public/.ic-assets.json

Anyway try until you get those files bundled to your dist/ folder.

Hope that helps.

Otherwise, I found this in the documentation (see step 2.):

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