The Chromium (aka Satoshi Release) Milestone has been moved to end of May 2022. This feature as well as the threshold ECDSA feature (Threshold ECDSA Signatures) are the essential parts of this milestone. The teams are working really hard on both of those features to meet the end-of-May timeline. To manage expectations: If everything works really well, we may meet this timeline, but there is a possibility of it slipping by some weeks. So Q2 (late May or June) is within very realistic reach and is clearly what we aim for, but if unknowns hit us and we lose time on things we have not been planning for, it may be Q3 (July).
Features of the size and complexity as the Bitcoin integration and threshold ECDSA are of exploratory nature and many difficulties have needed to be overcome during our implementation efforts. For this reason, they are just not as plannable as regular “commodity” software development, that’s why we cannot give a definite deadline.
We will keep you all posted on our progress on the features and also give you updates on the timeline as we get closer to completion. Thank you all for your patience in awaiting the launch of the Bitcoin and threshold ECDSA features which will unlock a plethora of exciting use cases for the Internet Computer blockchain.