Dfx.json ENV var for absolute path names

Is there any way to find out the directory of dfx.json and pass that as a environment variable? Our issue is that when you do dfx build you have to be in a specific directory and it’s annoying to have to move to the top level directory every time.

What we want is something like :

"build": "bash -c '$DFX_JSON_DIR/backend/scripts/app/build.sh game'",

I did this to get the ENV vars at build time…

"game_config": {
"type": "custom",
"candid": ".dfx/local/canisters/game_config/game_config.did",
"build": "printenv",

but nothing that’s really useful

Executing 'printenv'

It never was an issue before but something changed a few months ago.

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I’ve added an internal ticket about this. Ideally the dfx.json directory should always be the CWD of executed scripts.

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Thanks! Yeah, the other two paths (candid, wasm) are absolute but the build directive is relative. I don’t think it used to be that way.