Dfx deploy web app build console output

Is there a way to get the console output of the build process (webpack, rollup, etc.) of my web app when I run dfx deploy?

Deploying all canisters.
All canisters have already been created.
Building canisters…
Building frontend…

→ No console ouput of the build process

There’s currently not a way to output the build process.

Oh a pity. Hopefully it will be the case one day. Right now I am trying to figure out if my all environment and settings are correctly applied, being able to get feedback about both my build process and the dfx deployment would really ease my work.

This is under-documented, and DFX isn’t open-source yet, but here’s the logic for environment variables during your npm run build section

    .env("DFX_VERSION", &format!("{}", dfx_version()))
    .env("DFX_NETWORK", &network_name);
if network_name == "ic" || network_name == DEFAULT_IC_GATEWAY {
    cmd.env("NODE_ENV", "production");

I had to post twice since the weird malicious code checking thing didn’t like having it all together.

basically, you get DFX_VERSION, DFX_NETWORK, and NODE_ENV passed along for webpack or whatever bundler to access at compile time

oh that’s an interesting piece of information, thx!