Dfx 0.24.3-beta.0 is available for testing

To install:

dfxvm install 0.24.3-beta.0

To install and use it as your default dfx version:

dfxvm default 0.24.3-beta.0

See also the release notes.

feat: Bitcoin support in PocketIC

dfx start --pocketic is now compatible with --bitcoin-node and --enable-bitcoin.

feat: facade pull ICP, ckBTC, ckETH ledger canisters

The ledger canisters can be pulled even though they are not really “pullable”.
The metadata like wasm_url and init_guide are hardcoded inside dfx deps pull logic.

  • ICP ledger: ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai
  • ckBTC ledger: mxzaz-hqaaa-aaaar-qaada-cai
  • ckETH ledger: ss2fx-dyaaa-aaaar-qacoq-cai

chore: update agent version in frontend templates, and include resolve.dedupe in Vite config

chore: improve error message when trying to use the local replica when it is not running

Frontend canister

Allow setting permissions lists in init arguments just like in upgrade arguments.

Candid UI

  • Module hash: f45db224b40fac516c877e3108dc809d4b22fa42d05ee8dfa5002536a3a3daed
  • Bump agent-js to fix error code

chore!: improve the messages for the subcommands of dfx cycles.

If users run subcommands of dfx cycles without the --ic flag, show below messages to indicate what to do next.

Error explanation:
Cycles ledger with canister ID 'um5iw-rqaaa-aaaaq-qaaba-cai' is not installed.
How to resolve the error:
Run the command with '--ic' flag if you want to manage the cycles on the mainnet.

chore: improve dfx start messages.

For dfx start, show below messages to users to indicate what to do next.

Success! The dfx server is running.
You must open a new terminal to continue developing. If you'd prefer to stop, quit with 'Ctrl-C'.



Updated Motoko to 0.13.3


Updated replica to elected commit a62848817cec7ae50618a87a526c85d020283fd9.
This incorporates the following executed proposals:


This sounds great,Hoping for more upgrades for smooth development