dfx 0.20.0 is promoted! You can read the release notes here.
Install dfx 0.20.0 with dfxvm:
dfxvm install 0.20.0
dfxvm default 0.20.0
This release brings several fixes and enhancements. Most notably, dfx now ships with a completion
command, which generates shell completion scripts for bash
, elvish
, fish
, zsh
, or PowerShell.
Essentially, you can get “autocompletion” of dfx commands with a few extra steps. Example steps (strictly for zsh
) below:
- Open
for editing, e.g.
vi ~/.zshrc
- Paste the commands below to the bottom of
autoload -Uz compinit
Restart your terminal
Run the following:
source <(dfx completion zsh)
- type
then tab and you should see autocomplete options populate
Please try it out and let us know if you run into any issues.