Developer Journey: Feedback and discussion


I am going through the developer journey, and have encountered an issue on 1.5 Deploying Canisters. I have an old identity set up that has an active wallet through dfx wallet, but wanted to follow the tutorial on a fresh identity using the dfx ledger and dfx cycles commands.

My issue:
I’ve sent my own ICP to dfx ledger account-id to add ICP then converted to cycles by command
dfx cycles convert --amount AMOUNT --ic
seen below I call dfx deploy --ic to deploy the poll dapp on 1.5, and get error:
Caused by: No wallet configured for combination of identity 'develop' and network 'ic'

$ dfx deploy --ic 
Please enter the passphrase for your identity: [hidden]
Decryption complete.
Deploying all canisters.
Creating canisters...
Creating canister polling_example_backend...
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to register all canisters.
Caused by: Failed to create canister 'polling_example_backend'.
Caused by: No wallet configured for combination of identity 'develop' and network 'ic'

In the command below you can see that I have balance, but no wallet configured for ic network.

$ dfx cycles balance --ic
Please enter the passphrase for your identity: [hidden]
Decryption complete.
2.627 TC (trillion cycles).

I ran this command in bash before running the above DFX_CYCLES_LEDGER_SUPPORT_ENABLE=1

Is there a way to use the cycles balance from dfx cycles when using the dfx deploy command?

Sorry if this is somewhere I missed, thanks!

Resolved my issue… was missing export in front of the ledger support command.