Community fund | Design proposal

On your first point: Yes, we should definitely consider using also the staked amount in a second iteration (for example doing a neuron swap as mentioned in “Alternatives considered”). The motivation for this proposal is to start with something simple (which integrates well into the swap canister design) and then extend it along the way.

On your second point: For investments in SNSs we would allow & embrace both, i.e., investments by individual investors (i.e. free market) directly taking part in an initial token swap and investors using the CF, benefiting from the higher degree of automation and tapping the knowledge of the community.


Hi @kmanxhuka, thank for your input and I will check with the UX team as well.
From my perspective the process for joining the CF should have similar safety checks as staking for a long time (you could argue that staking for 8 years has an even a bigger impact on your access to the neuron).


Thank you!

Also from the SNS initial token swap and launch | Design proposal is visible that what I want will be possible to achieve using liquid ICP.
Just not sure if participation in CF (where funds are locked and only maturity is used for the investment) makes sense for me, but we’ll see when more details are known.

Also, it’s actually good that into cycles/SNS tokens will be burned liquid ICP - as it will have much better visibility (rather than burning already locked ICP)!

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By joining the CF with a neuron, you automatically get participated in any project that the CF community votes for?

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Correct, subject to the CF community approving the investment and subject to the successful conclusion of the according initial token swap.

This will be great. A large collective investment brain, benefiting those who believe in the IC but who are not technically savvy to judge good projects; while still allowing the technically savvy with ICP to independently choose whether or not to participate. Pure genius.

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Even after introduction of the neuron swap, this option to invest maturity should still be retained, for those who want slow automated diversified investments.


Any thought given to the taxation & compliance to AML provisions in various countries of such operations? Effectively one would be using the income (maturity) of the investment off of the staking in NNS to invest in many other businesses to get yields.

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Any news about the possibility to exit my neuron from community fund?

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I am in the middle of a detailed discussion with the engineering team and will provide further updates as soon as I can.


I hope they could find a solution
I m a new user since a few days and clicked by mistake on community fund :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

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In fact, it would be better to let community developers develop the Community Fund, rather than having DFINITY integrate on top of such a basic feature as NNS.

I have always felt that DFINITY is not pure enough for the underlying design, which is the problem with the initial exchange of SNS, the rewards program of SNS, and the community fund.

DFINITY should not make applications by yourselves, nor should it ask the community too much to make any type of application. It will kill innovation.

More possibilities should be given to the community, and the community will always give more innovations. For example, there are a large number of venture DAOs in the Ethereum ecology, they have different ideas of implementation, and such an ecology has diversity, so innovation can always be born.


I agree with your point that fund like DAOs can and should be developed by the community. They could come in various forms and flavours and users can then choose which DAOs to use to invest.

On the other hand, I also see the benefit of DFINITY developing features to foster the IC ecosystem. And the community fund falls precisely in this category as it provides funding to SNSs. In one or severals of those SNSs then creates a fund DAO as a better alternative to the community then this would be great !


You suggest to join into the community fund? Are real benefit ??

Any news about the possibility to exit my neuron from community fund??

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Is CF a concept similar to an index fund?

In the Q&A section of the design proposal, you find the following description of the benefits of the community fund.

I can spawn maturity myself and invest directly in a SNS. What is the benefit if I join the community fund?

  • Correct, a user can spawn maturity and invest into SNSs also without the involvement of the CF.
  • Via the CF, a user can tap the knowledge of the IC community and can also benefit from an automated investment process.

The community fund is not similar to an index fund, as there is no index which is tracked.

I would rather describe it as a vehicle via which you can convert NNS voting rewards directly in SNS tokens, fostering the ICP eco-system.

However I could imagine that in the future DAOs will be developed on the IC which establish SNS indices and offer investments vehicles on these (that would be pretty cool actually :slight_smile: )