Currently the IC does not charge canisters for executed queries simply because it was not implemented at Genesis due to technical challenges. We would like to start exploring query charging in order to ensure that the IC charges for all consumed resources fairly.
We are aware that introducing query charging may have a large impact on dapps with heavy query traffic. We would like to proceed carefully to avoid breaking such dapps and the first step is to ask the community for feedback.
1. Status Quo
Currently, the IC executes more query messages than update messages. However, canisters pay only for updates and do not pay for queries. This contradicts the principle of fairly charging for consumed resources and introduces disbalances to the economic model of the IC. Effectively, canisters with heavy update traffic have to carry the cost of canisters with heavy query traffic. This also introduces wrong incentives to canister developers because they don’t see the cost of slow queries. Since having such disbalances is not sustainable in the long run, we would like to start exploring ways of fixing this issue.
The reason why the IC does not have query charging currently is purely technical: it was not implemented at Genesis due to technical challenges. Queries are executed in non-replicated fashion by a single node machine. This means that in order to charge a canister for executed queries, all nodes need to deterministically agree on the amount of cycles to charge, which is a difficult technical problem.
2. What we are asking the community
First of all, we are curious to learn what you think about the idea of introducing query charges in general. Do you agree that it is a bug in the economic model that needs to be fixed or do you think that it is better for the IC to keep the status quo? Note that if the IC community decides to keep the status quo, since it is not economically sustainable right now, it might be necessary to increase fees elsewhere, for example, fees for update calls.
Introducing query charging may drain some canisters that didn’t account for queries in their cycle burn rate. One of the goals of this post is to find ways to minimize the impact. One idea would be to introduce query charging gradually over several months such that the fees for queries increase gradually from 0% to 100%.
If you have more such ideas, please let us know. We would also like to hear from you if you have concerns specific to your canister.