ckBTC: a canister-issued bitcoin twin token on the IC, 1:1-backed by BTC

As we have turned on Bitcoin testnet canister for testnet4, we have re-deployed ckTESTBTC canisters (minter/ledger/index/checker) and they are now ready to use:

 minter: ml52i-qqaaa-aaaar-qaaba-cai
  index: mm444-5iaaa-aaaar-qaabq-cai
 ledger: mc6ru-gyaaa-aaaar-qaaaq-cai
checker: o6ude-eyaaa-aaaar-qal6a-cai

All state was reset. The minter has a min retrieval amount of 5000 sats, and check fee 100 sats (and the checker was set to AcceptAll). The ledger’s transfer fee is 10 sats.

You can get testnet bitcoin from any faucets that support testnet4, and start converting them to ckTESTBTC now.