Changing Future Max Lock Up for SNS-1/DKP

I think from a backend’s perspective, those who have now 100 years dissolve delay and would like to lower to the new 8 year max can just dissolve a little and then try to increase the dissolve delay and the governance should automatically set it to the current maximum instead, which would mean an effective decrease to 8 years in their case.
It would again depend on the frontend whether this is possible (e.g., if you even see the “increase dissolve delay” button when you are already over the max, but as I remember this would be a solution from the backend’s perspective and might be at least a way so that individual neurons can decide to get into a “normal” state.


does the backend support that? i assumed nothing could decrease dissolve delay regardless of the sns1 parameters

As explained above I think this is what would happen if you tried to increase the dissolve delay of a neuron that has a dissolve delay higher than the current maximum dissolve delay:

So the governance canister normally doesn’t decrease dd, but if a neuron is in this state that is inconsistent with the maximum that is set, it will basically try to bring the neuron back to a consistent state.
Maybe would be interesting to try this out - as I said I am not sure someone has tried in a real SNS and with a frontend…

Right now I get an error, dissolve delay can’t be smaller than current dd.

Did you try to unlock it or reduce to 8 years?

I have a 9 year neuron, it was dissolving. I stopped the dissolve. Then tried to dissolve it again to current max dd (8 years) and it said dissolve delay can’t be smaller than current dd. I was checking the hypothesis but doesn’t seem like it’d be possible

Interesting… Let me follow up where this condition hits…
@Sawyer did you try this on the NNS frontend dapp?

Yes I tried it on nns.ic0

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Nice dissolve date, I suggest hibernating to see your tokens back.

FYI in the meantime we looked at this again and indeed it seems that the NNS frontend dapp prevents users from increasing the dissolve delay if the current dissolve delay is larger than the maximum (as this makes sense for the expected use cases).

Since the outcome is different then expected, is there going to be a SNS-parameter that will control the max Dissolve Delay for existing neurons?

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Lara, I have a two Nuance and SONIC neurons with 99.9% Dissolve Delay Bonus:

When I try to increase this value to 100%, the front-end doesn’t allow me:

Do you think someone will ever fix it? :thinking: :roll_eyes:

I am not sure if this is different then expected. If this becomes a feature that everyone needs it is conceivable to just adopt the frontend to the backend behavior. Other frontends (dfx, quill) might already allow one to do that.
It is currently not planned to have a new separate SNS parameter. I think if the community decides to change this behavior other solutions might be preferable, for example having one overall paramter and just adjusting all existing neurons to it (but this might be expensive, so also has its downsides - the tradeoffs would have to be carefully considered).

Hi @krzysztofzelazko,
I wonder whether the problem here could be leap years and the fact that therefore the number of days in a year are rounded to 365,25 or so.
Let me follow up with the team working on the frontend.


Thanks for catching that!

We were able to replicate it and we’ll work on a fix.