Candid and Tuples

I’m trying to figure out how to handle tuples in candid. On Internet Computer Content Validation Bootstrap It looks like you can do record { a; b; c}, but elsewhere it is stated that the order for records doesn’t matter.

If I have a function

public func test( x : ( Nat, Nat32, Text)) -> Text

Candid UI produces something like this for tuples: (record {text; nat; nat32}) → (text) query

How is this encoded in candid? For dfx I think I just add some extra parens to separate it off, but I’m guessing that the candid encoder does something to this to make the order imporat.

Use case: Messing with GitHub - edjCase/motoko_candid and trying to convert a Candy Library Array where values can be of multiple types. My assumption was if they were all the same to submit a vec and if they were different to treat it as a tuple. Motoko candid doesn’t really have the concept of a tuple except at the top level which is an [Arg].


Did you see this part?

If you omit the label, Candid automatically assigns sequentially-increasing labels. This behavior leads to the following shortened syntax, which is typically used to represent pairs and tuples. The type record { text; text; opt bool } is equivalent to record { 0 : text; 1: text; 2: opt bool }


Thanks! Makes sense. These are nats and equivalent to the hash?

I assume these are nats that represent the index of the element in the tuple.

@chenyan might be able to say more.

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Yep, nats are equivalent to hash. In fact, the string label is always converted to nat via the hash function. You can omit nat that is +1 of the previous field, e.g. record { 42 : int; text; opt bool } is the same as record { 42 : int; 43 : text; 44 : opt bool }. Tuple is a shorthand of record, when the field nat is numbered from 0 to n-1.

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Hey @chenyan,

I ran into an error while deserializing a tuple from bytes to a motoko type using the from_candid fn.

Decoding works fine for tuple types wrapped within an array or option type, but it doesn’t work for tuple types.
I’ve reproduced the problem in the motoko playground:

Notice that the tuple() function traps while the other functions serialize the data and deserialize them without any errors.

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It’s a tricky question.

There is no tuple type in Candid. Tuple is just a shorthand for record, whose indices happen to be from 0 to n-1. For example, { 0 = "motoko"; 1 = true } in Candid can be abbreviated as ("motoko", true). In Motoko, this means both {_0_ = "motoko"; _1_ = true} and ("motoko", true) translate to the tuple shorthand in Candid.

At the top-level in Candid (also the function arguments and return types in Motoko), there is a tuple-like thing, but it’s not really a tuple. For example, a Motoko function that returns async (Text, Bool) doesn’t return a tuple of type (Text, Bool). Instead, it means the function returns TWO values. They are Text and Bool respectively.

Now, in your tuple function, to_candid encodes a single value (tuple in Motoko, which is a record type in Candid). from_candid is trying to decode this blob as three values, which causes the runtime error of “not enough values to decode”.

There are two ways to fix this function, depending on whether you want to fix from_candid or to_candid:

  public query func tuple() : async ?(Text, Nat, Bool) {
    let motoko = ("candid", 1, true);

    let blob = to_candid(motoko);

    // Cannot use ?(Text, Nat, Bool) type, because that would mean to decode three values.
    let ?f : ?{_0_:Text; _1_: Nat; _2_: Bool} = from_candid(blob);
    ?(f._0_, f._1_, f._2_)

  public query func tuple2() : async ?(Text, Nat, Bool) {
    let blob = to_candid("candid", 1, true);


Another minor thing is that there is no unary tuple in Motoko. So in your single_tuple code, both ("candid") and ("candid",) means "candid" in Motoko. If you want to return a unary tuple in Candid, use {_0_="candid"} in Motoko.

If you want to be more formal, you can read this spec: motoko/ at master · dfinity/motoko · GitHub


Thanks for taking the time to explain and for providing alternative solutions.

I had intended to add a #Tuple variant to the Serde library for serializing and deserializing Candid text into Motoko. However, I might reconsider adding it since the type is not officially supported by the Candid standard.

We have a GH issue for this (with some discussion on ways around/forward):

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