…and bluntly…as soon as all I saw was governance stuff I stopped visiting. There are some people who’s job is to run a DAO…no one else wants a second job or to made to feel like they should have a second job.
I don’t have any really good answers as to how we should handle something like this where there are likely really important things to discuss for a specific subset of our community, but if people come here for technical help and all they see is governance posts they’ll bounce.
Not only are there a ton of Subnet Management proposals coming out every week, but the Grants for Voting Neurons program requires all reviewers to post their reviews for each individual proposal in separate posts in these threads. That amounts to 4 reviews per proposal plus any back and forth conversation between the reviewers, the node providers, and DFINITY on each change. Last week there were 20 Subnet Management proposals and this week there are 19 proposals. It’s going to get worse in the near future due to the ending of the initial 4 years of Gen 1 node provider remuneration and the beginning of the next 2 year phase. Gen 1 node providers are now limited to 42 nodes max, so there is a lot of node ownership handovers as well as new node assignments that will be happening. Since the Grants for Voting Neuron program started in September 2024, there have been an average of 10.2 Subnet Management proposals per week. I am expecting that average to go up. This is not only a problem from the perspective that the forum is seeing a blast of Subnet Management posts, but also for the reviewers themselves who are paid to review these proposals as a second job. The funding is only 2 hours per week, but the expected workload is larger than 2 hours per week based on the proposal quantity that we are seeing. This proposal topic is significantly underfunded for these reviewers.