When delivery? Can it be delivered completely onchain?

In case you are new here, let me inform you that the Dfinity way is always to overpromise and underdeliver. Here is Dominic Williams from 2017: “The first objective pursued by DFINITY is not particularly abstract and involves the mass hosting of enterprise IT systems.” Over seven years on, how many enterprise IT systems has Dfinity onboarded? I fell for that, I fell for the Socialfi idea, I fell for the massive potential of on-chain NFTs, I fell for BTC / ETH integration being a gateway to mass fully on-chain defi, but I’m not falling for this new AI pipedream. Each of the previous ideas was exciting, but Dfinity refused to do what was necessary to make them workable at the get-go (NFT standard, stablecoin integration etc). It is clear the foundation has not understood consumers and will never do so. I asked a simple question upthread that nobody has answered: Dominic Williams says in the talk that individuals might want to create personal websites to share thoughts and photographs, an entrepreneur might want to create an e-commerce website and a corporation might want to create a corporate portal. But what benefits do any of these gain from working with rather than a conventional AI programme that creates Web2 websites that are cheaper to build and maintain?


The sluggish market environment is frustrating, but I believe the future will be better, good luck.

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So tell me which AI now can create Web2 with backend + database and deploy it for you so you don’t need any tech knowledge? It can’t. Why? Because it’s too complicated. And that’s what ICP offers, it’s simple enough for AI to create Web3 with database and at the same time deploy it, it’s a sandbox that has everything you need and it’s perfect for AI, all you gonna have to do is explain what you want and sign some transactions for cycles.

The reason why big companies not moving to ICP is because their code will be visible and anyone could copy paste their entire project in an hour, but with AI that changes completely because then code is not that valuable when it’s created by AI in that same hour. So no one cares if you gonna steal it when you can just prompt AI and it will create it.

This combination of decentralized code and AI is perfect and it’s only way to go.
Your conventional AI you referring wont be able to be responsible for entire lifecycle of the project while ICP + AI can be easily done.

I made a decent website with this one It should have support for database, but I haven’t tried it.

“That’s what ICP offers”. No, it doesn’t. It is what Dfinity promises to offer. You can choose to believe the promise. I don’t because far too many promises have been broken already.

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