BTC-integration canister endpoints not returning expected results


When building and deploying the basic_bitcoin example canister to local bitcoin regtest node, calls to the get_balance and get_utxos functions return 0 in all cases, even though similar calls using the bitcoin-cli return correct values.


dfx version: 0.17.0
OS: Apple M1 Pro, Sonoma 14.4

Steps to reproduce

  1. Kindly clone the basic_bitcoin canister in the example repo.
  2. Run dfx start --background to start the local replica.
  3. Run make, which will execute the Makefile at the root of the basic_bitcoin example. This file contains basic deployment flow in regtest mode.
  4. Fund some address with bitcoins(generatetoaddress RPC), then call dfx canister call basic_bitcoin get_utxos '("BITCOIN_ADDRESS")' to retrieve UTXOs. In my case, it returns 0; however, the bitcoin-cli returns correct values.

NOTE: With dfx version 0.18.0, executing any of the endpoints produces:

  variant {
    Err = record {
      variant { SysTransient };
      "IC0501: Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai is out of cycles";
1 Like

Hi @kobby5angels .

I can confirm that dfx v0.18.0 will produce the error of IC0501: Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai is out of cycles.

But dfx v0.17.0 worked for me.

Prepare Bitcoin Regtest network

$ bitcoind -regtest -daemonwait
$ bitcoin-cli -regtest createwallet "test"
$ ADDRESS="$(bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress)"
$ echo $ADDRESS
$ bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 1 "$ADDRESS"

Start local replica

$ dfx start --clean --background --enable-bitcoin
# Many logs ...

Deploy canister and make a call

$ make
$ dfx canister call basic_bitcoin get_utxos '("bcrt1qwtcc7xmt9gx99pu0q5976uzdnufccawwc4rfxj")'
  record {
    next_page = null;
    tip_height = 1 : nat32;
    tip_block_hash = blob "\02\fb\7e\3f\18\43\4b\76\92\a6\56\98\1b\cb\c2\e9\b6\11\7b\f8\20\97\24\f0\eb\0e\96\c3\1e\ba\26\35";
    utxos = vec {};

The result of generatetoaddress and the tip_block_hash field are the same (in reverse order).

to retrieve UTXOs. In my case, it returns 0; however, the bitcoin-cli returns correct values.

Could you elaborate a bit what did you mean by “returns 0”? And what bitcoin-cli command did you execute to get correct value?

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You’re absolutely right! This was mainly a setup issue, and not a bug in the BTC-integration canister. In particular, the local IC replica I started with dfx start --clean --background wasn’t communicating with the BTC-integration canister properly. I don’t know how crucial the --enable-bitcoin argument is, but it somehow did the trick for me.

Many thanks for your thorough response. I’m marking this as the solution.

Are you sure you fixed your problem?

@lwshang didn’t provide a solution in his comment did he? It looks like he agreed that on dfx 0.18.0 there is a problem.

We are also running into this problem, our bitcoin and ckbtc examples are both failing on the update to dfx 0.18.0.

Adding --enable-bitcoin to the dfx start command doesn’t resolve it for us, we already had a local configuration in our dfx.json file.

Is there a fix for this yet?

Also here are some of the replica logs on startup:

2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Starting heartbeat...
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Running ingest_block_continue...
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Looking for new stable blocks to ingest...
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Sending request: Initial(GetSuccessorsRequestInitial { network: Regtest, anchor: BlockHash(0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206), processed_block_hashes_len: 0, processed_block_hashes: [] })
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Received response: Err((SysTransient, "Couldn't send message"))
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Error fetching blocks: [SysTransient] Couldn't send message
2024-03-22 19:36:21.929271825 UTC: [Canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai] Done fetching new response.

I tried adding cycles just to see if it would work: dfx ledger fabricate-cycles --canister g4xu7-jiaaa-aaaan-aaaaq-cai --cycles 1000000000000000 but it did not work

The dfx v0.18.0 bundled bitcoin integration canister doesn’t work in local replica with an application subnet. You have to configure the local replica to run a system subnet.

The temporary fix which downgrade the bundled bitcoin canister was merged last week. It will be available in the upcoming dfx release next week.

You can also use dfx 0.17.0 for now. Building the dfx from sdk repo master branch will also work.


Seems like dfx 0.19.0 has resolved this issue at least temporarily?

It is resolved in 0.19.0 by downgrading the bundled bitcoin canister.

The actual fix on the bitcoin canister side was merged: fix (EXC-1590): make burning cycles configurable by ielashi · Pull Request #286 · dfinity/bitcoin-canister · GitHub.

We are waiting for a new release of the bitcoin canister so that we can include it in dfx.