B4B reputation layer on ICP for influencer/KOLs from all Socials

Project highlights

B4B.app is a Web3 influencer marketing protocol that brings transparency, ownership, escrow, and on-chain history from all Socials
:heavy_check_mark:Marketplace to book and manage Ad process with high-quality influencers
:heavy_check_mark:All-in-one solution: search + analytics + escrow Ad process
:heavy_check_mark:Aggregated reputation layer from all social platforms (start with X, TG, Lens…)
:heavy_check_mark:Open standards and protocol layer on ICP for reputation, statistics and track record

b4b-icp is a base layer for B4B that bridges payments from different chains and aggregates data on the Internet Computer. The project’s objective is to improve the experience for the supply-side of the marketplace (influencers) without affecting the payment process of the demand-side (advertisers). And the main goal is to gather data from all sources into a single chain for future use in reputation management, scoring, and predictions.

Web3 advantages

  1. Escrow payments via smart contracts in USDC simplify work worldwide
  2. The trustless reputation layer on IC aggregates on-chain data about influencers to improve ad targeting
  3. Connect with influencers and gather reputation data from all social platforms - both “deSoc” and “Web2”

How is it built

There are two main sides of B4B marketplace - influencers and advertisers. The diagram below give a high-level overview of how each side interacts with B4B.

Advertiser’s flow:

  1. Pay and lock advertising budget in USDC within B4B’s smart contract on any supported EVM network.

  2. Get the hash of the finalized transaction with funds locking.

  3. Call ICP’s canister with the transaction hash as an argument to create ad order

  4. Review the posted content and call the canister to approve the result if the post meets your requirements, or reject it otherwise.

Influencer’s flow:

  1. Check the validity of the payment transaction and call the canister. If it’s valid, accept the order.

  2. The canister will request and verify transaction data via evm-rpc to prevent fraud from influencer side

    • Publish the content on the social media and add the link on the post
    • Submit the link on the posted content and complete order
  3. If an influencer publishes a post that meets the advertiser’s requirements, the canister can generate a t-ECDSA certificate. This certificate can unlock funds on the EVM chain and transfer them to the influencer’s account.

    • Pass the generated t-ECDSA certificate to a Solidity contract on the EVM chain to unlock funds.
    • In case the influencer fails, the advertiser can request a t-ECDSA certificate from the canister and return the locked budget.

Internet Computer superpowers

  • Payments in USDC on EVM Chains: Advertisers can make payments in stable tokens on their preferred network.
  • Seamless UX for Users with EVM Wallets: Users only need EVM wallets to use the platform. They can sign into IC using any EVM wallet they prefer via ic-siwe. Canister balance covers all gas on IC, eliminating the need for users to pay gas when using the protocol on IC.
  • Withdrawals on EVM: Fund withdrawals on EVM are executed using t-ECDSA request signing, initiated from the canister.
  • Escrowing payments: Funds are locked until the ad is published on social media or one of the parties decides not to participate.
  • Collecting ad orders data: Basis for future extensions to gather data on ad performance.

Go-To-Market strategy

  1. Community of influencers/KOLs
  2. Influencers incentive : Social Airdrop, activity, Rating → better ROMI for advertisers
  3. Advertisers : deep reputation, better ROI, content creation → increased Ads turnover
  4. Referral program : earns 5-10% Royalty from invited KOLs, credits for advertisers


Marketplace fees (15% Service fees for Ad launch; Subscription for KOLs access…)

Access to Reputation Layer Analytics (data, predictions, reports)

Status of the project

The V1 product, B4B.app, is fully launched with 400 KOLs onboarded, 150 ads launched, and a turnover of $45k

The ICP Reputation layer requires finalisation, security audits, and launch:

  • USDC payments on EVM chains
  • EVM transaction retrieval from IC via evm-rpc
  • Fund unlocking on EVM with t-ECDSA signed requests
  • Ethereum wallet sign-in via ic-siwe
  • Ad Order management logic on IC
  • Frontend integration with IC canisters
  • Backend integration with IC canisters
  • Improved access control and time-limited logic for order management
  • Security Audits
  • Constructing a reputation layer for influencers and advertisers on IC
  • More reputation data from various sources such as social media, wallets, and marketing experts
  • Scores and predictions based on the collected data
  • Support for additional EVM networks and ICP ID
  • Gasless experience for influencers during fund withdrawal: account abstraction or transaction initiation from IC

:eyes: Try the live demo with ICP Reputation Layer:

Influencer demo app: https://icp-influencer.b4b.app/

Advertiser demo app: https://icp.b4b.app/


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B4B WORLD / b4b-icp · GitLab

Future Plans

The B4B protocol serves as an open reputation layer, providing a permissionless infrastructure for decentralized social networks and the creator economy. This core protocol will be implemented on ICP, facilitating the storage of on-chain reputation data from various sources: social data, wallet on-chain data, expertise, and user feedback.
AI predictions and reputation algorithms will be based on the IC Hub of Reputation Data. This will enable advertisers to predict the outcomes of publishing ad content with influencers/KOLs globally. Moreover, creators will maintain ownership of their reputation and portfolio across all social platforms.

We are fundraising Seed to launch the Reputation Layer, connect more Socials, and incentive Network effect growth.

Plan to apply for an ICP extension grant to complete and launch the Reputation layer, connect with decentralized Social Data, and experiment with AI ad predictions based on the data.

Attending Token2049 in Dubai in April, happy to meet all!


Great work! Pretty nice how you use ICP in the background to ensure a decentralized backend. Are you exploring becoming a DAO via SNS as well?


Thank you, Dominic!
Indeed, we are considering the launch of a DAO for both potential ad campaign disputes on B4B (similar to a DAO court) and future product governance. The SNS platform is extremely beneficial for this. Thank you for the recommendation.

Hi, great to see more good stuff launched on IC.
I’d love to learn more about how the Advertiser Review the posted content and call the canister to approve the result if the post meets your requirements, or reject it otherwise.. Can they just reject all posts the influencers published? How can this kind of behavior be punished?

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Thank you for the good question!
Yes, technically it’s possible. To resolve it, the influencer must have provided the link and completed the ad order through the canister beforehand. In the case of a dispute, the payment amount will be locked in the smart contract until the dispute is resolved.

We propose a combination of 3 ways to resolve disputes:

  1. Use oracles to take data from socials via the provided link on the publication and compare it to the exact content requirements. This will work well with decentralized social networks and for text content
  2. Launch our DAO court with experts who will resolve disputes by voting. This will work for all types of content creation and all Socials
  3. Explore integration with existing DAO courts (like Kleros, Aragon Court) and resolve disputes automatically via an API
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These sounds very solid though I think it’s pretty hard to implement.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a comprehensive system that effectively addresses content judgment and moderation while preserving the values of fairness, free expression, and user safety. It’s always good to keep the last chance by human intervention.

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