B+ Tree: A versatile sorted data structure

I’m excited to introduce the augmented-btrees library, which contains different variants of the B-Tree data structure.

The library consists of two variants:

  • B+Tree - A B-Tree that stores all entries in its leaf nodes and allows you to iterate through them like a linked list.
  • Max Value B+Tree - A B+Tree that keeps entries in sorted order and guarantees accessing the max value in O(log n) time. (still under construction, will be used to improve the performance in the MemoryRegion module)

Helpful explanation of B-Trees → B-trees

The structure of the B+Tree allows for faster and more efficient range queries - functions like entries() and scan() don’t need to go up and down the tree multiple times, instead they just iterate through the leaf nodes. This implementation also adds some more functionality to the existing stableheapbtree that allows you to access keys and values by their index like you would in a sorted array.

  • getIndex(bptree, cmp, key) - Returns the sorted index of a key in the tree
  • getFromIndex(bptree, i) - Returns the entry at the given index
  • range(bptree, cmp, start, end) - Returns an iterator over elements bounded by the given start and end index.

Combining these functions allows us to create more complex queries. For example, if we needed to make a query to retrieve the first 3 elements after a given key. We can get the index of the given key and make a call to range() for the next 3 elements.

	import { BpTree; Cmp } "mo:augmented-btrees";
	let bptree = BpTree.fromArray(?32, [('A', 0), ('B', 1), ('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)], Char.compare);
    let rank = BpTree.getIndex(bptree, Cmp.Char, 'B');
    assert rank == 1;
    let range = BpTree.range(bptree, rank + 1, rank + 3);
    assert Iter.toArray(range) == [('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)];

Reversible Iterators (RevIter)

These iterators allow us to retrieve data from the B+Tree in ascending or descending order. The iterators are in ascending order by default and can be updated in the other direction simply by calling the .rev() method. For example:

let iter = BpTree.scan(bptree, Cmp.Char, ?'A', ?'C'); 

assert Iter.toArray(iter.rev()) == [('C', 2), ('B', 1), ('A', 0)];

More information on how to add reversible iterators to your library can be found in the itertools docs

A reversible iterator can be created from a B+ Tree using any of these functions: entries(), keys(), vals(), scan(), range()

Int8 Comparator

The B Trees in this module use a different compare function to the one implemented in Motoko’s base module. They return an Int8 type which requires less heap allocations and overhead than the Order type. This overhead can mostly be neglected if the comparator is not used frequently. However, some functions in the B+Tree rely heavily on it, causing a significant reduction in performance.
I’ve provided a convenient module with Int8 compare functions for all the primitive Motoko types: Cmp.Nat8, Cmp.Blob, Cmp.Text, Cmp.Principal

import { Cmp } "mo:augmented-btrees";

This specific change resulted in a 90% reduction in the heap allocation of the getIndex() function.

getIndex() Instructions Heap
Base compare 207_875_247 5_195_228
Int8 compare 167_272_699 586_764

Performance Benchmarks

Comparing RBTree, BTree and B+Tree

Benchmarking the performance with 10k entries

Instructions insert() replace() get() entries() scan() remove()
RBTree 105_236_358 103_166_554 44_269_891 17_795_354 ----- 141_566_101
BTree 114_964_951 83_757_726 78_246_105 10_944_900 24_351_645 130_728_937
B+Tree 116_288_125 91_553_971 81_264_499 4_854_853 6_634_687 128_646_576
Heap insert() replace() get() entries() scan() remove()
RBTree 9_051_876 8_268_740 13_008 1_889_084 ----- 17_129_008
BTree 1_234_048 1_157_052 484_648 602_324 1_014_620 1_968_892
B+Tree 735_132 613_852 213_848 9_132 31_472 213_524

Other B+Tree Functions

B+Tree Instructions Heap
getFromIndex() 73_058_045 345_424
getIndex() 167_272_699 586_764
getFloor() 79_670_902 230_268
getCeiling() 79_671_555 230_268
removeMin() 154_039_771 529_504
removeMax() 119_099_923 525_640

Link to the benchmark code
The benchmarks generated using mops bench

A couple things I used to improve the memory efficiency of the library that seem obvious now but were not during the implementation:

  • Previously, each B+Tree node was a record with fields containing information about the entries or child references in that node. I improved memory efficiency significantly by rearranging fields with the same datatype into mutable arrays and storing them in a tuple instead of a record.
	// record
    public type Branch<K, V> = {
        id : Nat;
        var parent : ?Branch<K, V>;
        var index : Nat;
        var keys : [var ?K];
        var children : [var ?Node<K, V>];
        var count : Nat;
        var subtree_size : Nat; 

	// tuple
	public type Branch<K, V> = (
		nats: [var Nat], // [id, index, count, subtree_size]
		parent: [var ?Branch<K, V>], // parent
		keys: [var ?K], // [...keys]
		children: [var ?Node<K, V>], // [...children]
  • Avoided unnecessary internal heap allocations (creating or returning tuples, records or variants) within functions.
  • Switching from for loops to while loops helped by avoiding the memory overhead needed to create an iterator.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! I’m excited to see how you use this library. If you encounter issues, bugs, or have suggestions, please open a GitHub issue or post them in this thread.



It’s a shame you had to re-define your types to avoid the allocations.

Perhaps we should put some effort into avoiding the extra indirection around var fields, if possible. Unfortunately, I think other aspects of Motoko currently rely on the indirection being there.

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