Announcing "Token Standard" as topic of the first meeting of the Ledger & Tokenization Working Group

Hi everyone,

Thanks everyone for participating in the first meeting of the Ledger & Tokenization working group. We got a lot of good feedback and some action points for the next meeting.

As decided in this working group, the next meeting will be dedicated to presenting the various token standard ideas. Everybody will be able to present their own take on the topic and get a Q&A about it. Let’s try to keep the presentations under 10 minutes to allow everybody a fair amount of time.

The date for the next working group meeting will be the 26th of April.

You can find a link to the slides I presented today here.

We would be grateful if you could fill this survey about the working group to help us improving this new process.

It has been great to meet all of you and have a nice discussion about token standards on the IC!

See you next time!