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Bringing the world of web developers into the IC I think should be a top priority. This basically means allowing canisters to be authored in JavaScript/TypeScript/AssemblyScript.

Iโ€™d love to see the AssemblyScript CDK get more developed: GitHub - rckprtr/cdk-as: Unofficial Experimental AssemblyScript CDK for DFINITY

Iโ€™d love to see some initial work on getting a JavaScript environment compiled to Wasm to run within a canister (MVP first on the way to creating a Node/Deno for the IC).

And though I think JavaScript should be given priority over Python, thereโ€™s a whole world of data scientists that we might be able to bring over if we can get Python to run within canisters. So getting Pyodide to work within canisters could be excellent: GitHub - pyodide/pyodide: Python with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly. Thereโ€™s been some preliminary work on this I have heard, and it does basically work.

Another possibly simple project would be to get this social recovery MVP working: Social recovery for Internet Identity - #6 by nomeata