Agent JS problems with Recursion and Blobs

I have found a couple of weird cases with encoding and decoding candid that has both recursive elements and blobs.

I get the following error:

      throw new Error('type index out of range');
Error: type index out of range
    at getType (node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1738:13)
    at buildType (node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1770:26)
    at node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1813:17
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.decode (node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1811:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (src/index.ts:23:5)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14)
    at Module.m._compile (node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1618:23)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .ts] (node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1621:12)

From running the following code.

import { IDL } from '@dfinity/candid';

const node = IDL.Rec();
const recBlob = IDL.Rec();
const recVarBlob = IDL.Rec();

        Blob: IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8)

        Node: node,
        Leaf: recBlob,
        ANode7: recVarBlob

const encodedBroken = IDL.encode([node], [{ Leaf: new Uint8Array() }]);
IDL.decode([node], encodedBroken);

There are a number of odd things I can do to this code snippet to make it work. The oddest one is if I rename ANode7 to ANode, Node7 or ode7 it works fine, but shortening it even further to de7 or even to just e causes it to break again.

Removing some of the recursion that isn’t strictly needed in this particular case also causes the error to vanish. For example

const recBlob = IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8)

Or if I change both recBlob and recVarBlob to be:

const recBlob = IDL.Rec();
const recVarBlob = IDL.Rec();


That also works.

It’s kind of weird and any insight into why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

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@chenyan I would be curious in particular for your insight into this

Could be a bug somewhere. Can you print the raw bytes of encodedBroken?

The behavior about changing field names is because fields are sorted by a hash function, when you change the field name, the order also changes.

Uint8Array(39) [
   68,  73,  68,  76,   3, 107,   3, 244, 183, 250,
  128,   3,   1, 190, 223, 164, 148,   3,   3, 162,
  236, 140, 159,   3,   0, 107,   1, 253, 210, 201,
  223,   2,   2, 109, 123,   1,   0,   1,   0

Thanks for the report. This is definitely a bug in the encoder. Recursion somehow caused the encoder to generate the wrong type index. I will try to fix it soon.

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Thank you so much for looking into this!

I’m guessing this is the same bug, but with tuples instead of blobs, hopefully it’s another good test case for debugging the issue

import { IDL } from '@dfinity/candid';

const myRecTup = IDL.Rec();

const myRecOpt = IDL.Rec();

const myRecVar = IDL.Rec();
        tup: myRecTup,
        rec: IDL.Record({ optNat: IDL.Opt(IDL.Nat) })

const myS = IDL.Tuple(
    IDL.Tuple(myRecVar, IDL.Opt(IDL.Tuple(IDL.Principal))),

const toEncode = [
            tup: [23912971008635299n]
const encoded = IDL.encode([myS], [toEncode]);
const decoded = IDL.decode([myS], encoded);

Here is the encoded output

Uint8Array(66) [68, 73, 68, 76, 9, 107, 2, 208, 178, 219, 2, 2, 207, 215, 225, 2, 3, 108, 1, 238, 148, 153, 219, 2, 1, 108, 1, 0, 116, 108, 1, 0, 104, 110, 4, 108, 2, 0, 0, 1, 5, 110, 125, 108, 1, 0, 7, 108, 2, 0, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8, 1, 163, 113, 126, 110, 184, 244, 84, 0, 0, 0, buffer: ArrayBuffer(66), byteLength: 66, byteOffset: 0, length: 66, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'Uint8Array']

The error I get is

      throw new Error('not a tuple type');

Here is one more example I ran into. Since it runs into a different error I thought I would include it here, but it’s with decoding recs that have blobs so I’m guessing its a related error. I’m guessing that they are all the same problem with the encoder that is manifested differently when I attempt to decode the corrupt encoded value.

import { IDL } from '@dfinity/candid';

const recursive_blob = IDL.Rec();
const uses_recursive_blob = IDL.Rec();
        myBlob: recursive_blob
const recursive_record = IDL.Rec();
        field1: IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8),
        field2: IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8)
const rec_return = IDL.Rec();
            rec_rec: recursive_record,
            rec_blob: uses_recursive_blob

const encoded = IDL.encode([rec_return], [[]]);
const decoded = IDL.decode([rec_return], encoded);

The encoded output:

Uint8Array(46) [68, 73, 68, 76, 5, 110, 4, 108, 2, 183, 156, 186, 132, 8, 2, 184, 156, 186, 132, 8, 2, 108, 1, 233, 221, 211, 226, 6, 4, 108, 2, 161, 191, 159, 179, 2, 1, 236, 251, 182, 207, 6, 3, 1, 0, 0, buffer: ArrayBuffer(46), byteLength: 46, byteOffset: 0, length: 46, Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'Uint8Array']

The error:

          throw new Error('Illegal op_code: ' + ty);
Error: Illegal op_code: 1
    at readTypeTable (node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1674:17)
    at Object.decode (node_modules/@dfinity/candid/src/idl.ts:1685:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (src/index.ts:30:21)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14)
    at Module._compile (node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1365:23)
    at node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10
    at Object..ts (node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1368:12)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:32)
    at Function._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:86:12)
Process exited with code 1