Adjustment of IC Target Topology to Increase Subnet Size of Fiduciary and II subnets

Here’s an update with where I’ve got with this so far. I initially intended to take a look at writing a stochastic optimisation procedure for the IC Target Topology problem, but there are actually pre-existing tools that do a great job of this sort of thing.

Allocating nodes to subnets is sort of like a table seating allocation problem (constraints about who can be at each table, given who is already at that table, is similar in nature to which nodes can join a subnet)

Screenshot from MiniZinc’s promotional material.

I’ve been chipping away at a comprehensive script to see if MiniZinc is capable of modelling all the things that the IC Target Topology problem needs to have modelled. So far I haven’t come up against any blockers.

Here's a working MiniZinc script that I've been developing (click to expand)

Note that the script is initialised with toy data at the moment (not real IC node/subnet data/constraints), i.e. just a few mock nodes and subnets, with a very limited set of characteristic options to choose from (e.g. just two continents defined)

Documentation is here to explain the way that MiniZinc scripts are formatted (lots of arrays and integers for the sake of performance). ChatGPT-4o also appears to do a fairly good job of describing what a script is doing and what the syntax means (useful for quickly getting familiar with the language).

% Define the enums for different characteristics
enum Continent = {Europe, America};
enum Country = {US, Spain, France};
enum ISP = {Virgin, O2, BT};
enum City = {Barcelona, Washington, Paris};
enum DataCenter = {DC1, DC2, DC3};
enum Owner = {Alex, Pippa, Edward};
enum NodeProvider = {Melissa, James};

% Define the number of nodes
int: num_nodes = 6;

% Define the constraint weights
int: highest_priority_weight = 1000000000;
int: higher_priority_weight =     1000000;
int: high_priority_weight =         10000;
int: medium_priority_weight =        1000;
int: low_priority_weight =            100;
int: lowest_priority_weight =           1;

% Define the characteristics for each node
array[1..num_nodes] of Continent: node_continent = [America, America, Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe];
array[1..num_nodes] of Country: node_country = [US, US, Spain, France, France, France];
array[1..num_nodes] of ISP: node_ISP = [Virgin, O2, BT, Virgin, O2, BT];
array[1..num_nodes] of City: node_city = [Washington, Washington, Barcelona, Paris, Paris, Paris];
array[1..num_nodes] of DataCenter: node_data_center = [DC1, DC2, DC3, DC3, DC3, DC3];
array[1..num_nodes] of Owner: node_owner = [Alex, Pippa, Edward, Pippa, Pippa, Pippa];
array[1..num_nodes] of NodeProvider: node_provider = [Melissa, Melissa, James, James, James, Melissa];

% Define the x, y locations for each node
array[1..num_nodes] of int: node_x = [1, 5, 2, 8, 3, 7]; % lng rounded to int
array[1..num_nodes] of int: node_y = [1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4]; % lat rounded to int

% Define the number of subnets (+ unassigned nodes as their own group) and their sizes
int: num_groups = 3;
array[1..2] of int: subnet_size = [3, 2];
int: unassigned_group = 3; % third group isn't a subnet, it's the group of unassigned nodes

% Define the starting state (initial node assignments to subnets)
array[1..num_nodes] of int: initial_assignment = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3];

% Define the priority (weight) for each subnet
array[1..2] of int: subnet_priority = [2, 1]; % Subnet 1 is more important than Subnet 2

% Define which nodes are in a good state (true = good, false = bad)
array[1..num_nodes] of bool: is_good_node = [true, false, true, false, true, true];

% Define which nodes support SEV (true = supports SEV, false = does not support SEV)
array[1..num_nodes] of bool: supports_SEV = [true, false, true, true, false, true];

% SEV constraints for subnets
% Define which subnets require all nodes to support SEV (true = SEV required, false = SEV not required)
array[1..2] of bool: SEV_required = [true, false];

% Define the decision variables (node assignments to subnets)
array[1..num_nodes] of var 1..num_groups: node_assignment;

% Calculate the number of swaps required from the initial state
array[1..num_nodes] of var 0..1: swap_required;
    forall(n in 1..num_nodes) (
        swap_required[n] = bool2int(node_assignment[n] != initial_assignment[n])

% Ensure that the first two subnets contain the exact required number of nodes
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s) | n in 1..num_nodes]) == subnet_size[s]

% Ensure that the unassigned group can have between 0 and all nodes, i.e., between 0 and 6 nodes
    sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == unassigned_group) | n in 1..num_nodes]) <= num_nodes;

% Ensure bad nodes do not reside in the first two node groups (the subnets, as opposed to the unassigned group)
array[1..2] of var int: bad_node_violations;
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        bad_node_violations[s] = sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ not is_good_node[n]) | n in 1..num_nodes])

% Violations for SEV requirements
array[1..2] of var int: SEV_violations;
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        SEV_violations[s] = 
            sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ not supports_SEV[n]) | n in 1..num_nodes]) * bool2int(SEV_required[s])

% Preference for non-SEV nodes in subnets that do not require SEV
array[1..2] of var int: non_SEV_preference_violations;
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        non_SEV_preference_violations[s] = 
            sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ supports_SEV[n]) | n in 1..num_nodes]) * bool2int(not SEV_required[s])

% Define violation variables for the first two subnets
array[1..2] of var int: continent_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: country_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: ISP_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: city_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: datacenter_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: owner_violations;
array[1..2] of var int: provider_violations;

% Max allowable repeats for characteristics in the first two subnets
array[1..2] of int: max_continent_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_country_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_ISP_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_city_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_datacenter_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_owner_repeats = [1, 1];
array[1..2] of int: max_provider_repeats = [1, 1];

% Correctly compute the violation counts, weighted by subnet priority
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        continent_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_continent[n] == c) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_continent_repeats[s]) | c in Continent]) * subnet_priority[s]
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        country_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_country[n] == c) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_country_repeats[s]) | c in Country]) * subnet_priority[s]
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        ISP_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_ISP[n] == c) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_ISP_repeats[s]) | c in ISP]) * subnet_priority[s]
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        city_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_city[n] == c) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_city_repeats[s]) | c in City]) * subnet_priority[s]

    forall(s in 1..2) (
        datacenter_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_data_center[n] == dc) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_datacenter_repeats[s]) | dc in DataCenter]) * subnet_priority[s]

    forall(s in 1..2) (
        owner_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_owner[n] == o) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_owner_repeats[s]) | o in Owner]) * subnet_priority[s]

    forall(s in 1..2) (
        provider_violations[s] = 
            sum([max(0, sum([bool2int(node_assignment[n] == s /\ node_provider[n] == np) | n in 1..num_nodes]) - max_provider_repeats[s]) | np in NodeProvider]) * subnet_priority[s]

% Distance calculation: Sum of pairwise distances within the same subnet
function var int: wrap_around_distance(int: _diff, int: max_val) =
    min(_diff, max_val - _diff);

% Manhattan distance (no floating-point operations), also not worth taking globe curvature into account
function var int: pairwise_distance(int: n1, int: n2) =
   let {
        var int: dx = wrap_around_distance(abs(node_x[n1] - node_x[n2]), 360),
        var int: dy = wrap_around_distance(abs(node_y[n1] - node_y[n2]), 180)
   } in
   dx + dy;

% Calculate the total distance for each subnet and the number of pairs
array[1..2] of var int: total_distance;
array[1..2] of var int: num_pairs;

    forall(s in 1..2) (
        num_pairs[s] = sum([bool2int(n1 != n2 /\ node_assignment[n1] == s /\ node_assignment[n2] == s) | n1, n2 in 1..num_nodes]) div 2

    forall(s in 1..2) (
        total_distance[s] = 
            sum([pairwise_distance(n1, n2)
              | n1 in 1..num_nodes, n2 in 1..num_nodes 
              where n1 != n2 /\ node_assignment[n1] == s /\ node_assignment[n2] == s])

% Calculate the average distance for each subnet, avoid division by zero
array[1..2] of var int: average_distance;
    forall(s in 1..2) (
        average_distance[s] = 
            (if num_pairs[s] > 0 then total_distance[s] div num_pairs[s] else 0 endif)

% Count violations based on their priority level
var int: highest_priority_violations = 
    sum(bad_node_violations) + sum(SEV_violations);

var int: higher_priority_violations = 
    sum(country_violations) + sum(datacenter_violations) + sum(owner_violations) + sum(provider_violations);

var int: high_priority_violations = 

var int: medium_priority_violations = 
    sum(continent_violations) + sum(ISP_violations) + sum(city_violations);

var int: low_priority_violations = 

% Objective: Minimize the total number of violations while maximising average distance
solve maximize 
        highest_priority_violations * highest_priority_weight + 
        higher_priority_violations * higher_priority_weight + 
        high_priority_violations * high_priority_weight + 
        medium_priority_violations * medium_priority_weight + 
        low_priority_violations * low_priority_weight
    + sum(average_distance) * lowest_priority_weight;

% Output the node assignments, violations, and counts for different priority levels
output [
    "Node assignments:\n",
    "\nContinent violations: ", show(continent_violations),
    "\nCountry violations: ", show(country_violations),
    "\nISP violations: ", show(ISP_violations),
    "\nCity violations: ", show(city_violations),
    "\nData center violations: ", show(datacenter_violations),
    "\nOwner violations: ", show(owner_violations),
    "\nProvider violations: ", show(provider_violations),
    "\nBad node violations: ", show(bad_node_violations),
    "\nSEV violations: ", show(SEV_violations),
    "\nNon-SEV preference violations: ", show(non_SEV_preference_violations),
    "\nNumber of swaps required: ", show(sum(swap_required)),
    "\n - Highest Priority Violations: ", show(highest_priority_violations),
    "\n - Higher Priority Violations: ", show(higher_priority_violations),
    "\n - High Priority Violations: ", show(high_priority_violations),
    "\n - Medium Priority Violations: ", show(medium_priority_violations),
    "\n - Low Priority Violations: ", show(low_priority_violations),
    "\n - Average distances: ", show(average_distance),
Here's the output you currently get (click to expand)

Note that multiple solutions are provided in the output (separated by ----------). The solutions are improved iteratively (worst solutions provided first, followed by better and better ones). Node assignments are expressed by providing a number that represents a subnet for each node. There are only 6 nodes in total in this toy example, and 2 subnets (number 3 represents unassigned nodes). Violations for each subnet are expressed as a count (1 for each of the two subnets). These violations are then considered in terms of their severity (defined by weightings in the script).

Note that a perfect solution would have 0 violations (there’s no perfect solution in this example script). Also node that the script seeks to maximise average distance between nodes (as a very low priority optimisation), while first seeking to minimize the number of constraint violations.

Node assignments:
[1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1]
Continent violations: [2, 0]
Country violations: [2, 0]
ISP violations: [0, 0]
City violations: [2, 0]
Data center violations: [2, 0]
Owner violations: [2, 0]
Provider violations: [2, 0]
Bad node violations: [0, 1]
SEV violations: [1, 0]
Non-SEV preference violations: [0, 1]
Number of swaps required: 4
 - Highest Priority Violations: 2
 - Higher Priority Violations: 8
 - High Priority Violations: 4
 - Medium Priority Violations: 4
 - Low Priority Violations: 1
 - Average distances: [12, 12]
Node assignments:
[3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
Continent violations: [4, 0]
Country violations: [4, 0]
ISP violations: [0, 0]
City violations: [4, 0]
Data center violations: [4, 0]
Owner violations: [4, 0]
Provider violations: [2, 0]
Bad node violations: [1, 1]
SEV violations: [1, 0]
Non-SEV preference violations: [0, 1]
Number of swaps required: 5
 - Highest Priority Violations: 3
 - Higher Priority Violations: 14
 - High Priority Violations: 5
 - Medium Priority Violations: 8
 - Low Priority Violations: 1
 - Average distances: [10, 12]
Node assignments:
[2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1]
Continent violations: [2, 0]
Country violations: [2, 0]
ISP violations: [2, 0]
City violations: [2, 0]
Data center violations: [2, 0]
Owner violations: [4, 0]
Provider violations: [2, 0]
Bad node violations: [1, 0]
SEV violations: [2, 0]
Non-SEV preference violations: [0, 2]
Number of swaps required: 4
 - Highest Priority Violations: 3
 - Higher Priority Violations: 10
 - High Priority Violations: 4
 - Medium Priority Violations: 6
 - Low Priority Violations: 2
 - Average distances: [8, 10]
Node assignments:
[2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1]
Continent violations: [2, 0]
Country violations: [2, 0]
ISP violations: [2, 1]
City violations: [2, 0]
Data center violations: [2, 0]
Owner violations: [4, 0]
Provider violations: [2, 0]
Bad node violations: [1, 1]
SEV violations: [2, 0]
Non-SEV preference violations: [0, 2]
Number of swaps required: 4
 - Highest Priority Violations: 4
 - Higher Priority Violations: 10
 - High Priority Violations: 4
 - Medium Priority Violations: 7
 - Low Priority Violations: 2
 - Average distances: [8, 24]
Node assignments:
[2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3]
Continent violations: [2, 0]
Country violations: [0, 0]
ISP violations: [2, 1]
City violations: [0, 0]
Data center violations: [2, 0]
Owner violations: [2, 0]
Provider violations: [2, 0]
Bad node violations: [1, 1]
SEV violations: [2, 0]
Non-SEV preference violations: [0, 2]
Number of swaps required: 3
 - Highest Priority Violations: 4
 - Higher Priority Violations: 6
 - High Priority Violations: 3
 - Medium Priority Violations: 5
 - Low Priority Violations: 2
 - Average distances: [8, 24]
Finished in 257msec.

:point_up_2: The final solution means the first node should belong to subnet 2, second node should belong to 1, same as the next node, next node should belong to subnet 2, then subnet 1, and the last node is best to be unassigned (there are only 2 subnets modelled in this example, so 3 means unassigned).

I may not have time to progress this for a bit, so I thought it would be good to share my progress with the community in case anyone would like to pick it up and make further progress or take it in another direction.

Hopefully the comments make sense (you can always ask if not). I’ve simplified this script where I can (such as using toy node/subnet data for the moment), as a simple demonstration.

You can run the script by pasting it into the MiniZinc playground or by downloading the tool and running it locally.

Things that still need doing with the above script:

  • Instead of using a very restricted set of toy data, initialise the script with real node data, and real subnet definitions (in terms of constraints).
    • When a large number of nodes and subnets are considered it’s likely that performance blockers will be hit due to the problem currently being framed as a minimization problem. Performance could almost certainly be significantly improved by framing this purely as a constraint satisfaction problem (if a solution doesn’t meet the constraints exactly it gets chucked away, eagerly pruning the search space). The downside of this is that the output of the script would be less descriptive, and if the constraints can’t be solved perfectly, no solution will be provided at all (this would still be useful for determining if the IC Target Topology is actually achievable).
  • The script considers nodes that belong to other subnets (not just the unassigned nodes), and tries to find a globally optimal solution with a minimal number of node swaps from a starting state (defined in the script). Related discussion here (point 2). For practical purposes, the script may need tweaking to prefer unassigned nodes, and/or to constrain the problem to a specific subnet or set of subnets.
  • Needs integrating with a tool that automates proposal submission (ideally after checking the proposed solution with existing tooling / approaches). Maybe this sort of MiniZinc script could even be integrated into existing tooling (Python integration seems very well supported - MiniZinc Python — MiniZinc Python 0.9.0 documentation).

Over time I would plan to look into all of the above. But I’m putting this to the side for now to prioritise other stuff (so not sure when I’ll get round to it). I’m sharing this in case anyone else fancies exploring any of these ideas further. :slight_smile:

I’d be particularly appreciative of your feedback @sat, @SvenF, @timk11, @ZackDS, @LaCosta if/when you get a chance. No worries if you’re too busy.

Thanks for reading if you got this far :pray: